@akavel \- you may (or may not) have noticed the "Group By Type" drop-down menu 
on the doc page for any given module (e.g. clicking on `tables` from 
`theindex`). That's sort of like what you're asking for.

The big `theindex.html` doesn't have that Group By feature, but perhaps should. 
The option there should maybe mean a multi-level sort -- first by the name of 
the defining module and then the way a given module would sort when in Group By 
Type mode. (Not advocating dropping the current order, just adding an option 
for that new one, too). You might want to create a github issue for that (if 
there isn't one already).

Also, I _do_ see type signatures in 
 , e.g. `system: add(x: var string; y: char)` . So, not sure what you mean 

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