Quoting from nlug.org frontpage:

In my humble opinion, it would be nice if we could kind of get a heads
up on what each meeting is going to be like as far as Linux skill
level goes. Maybe an 'Expected Skill Level' (ESL) or something could
be suggested for each upcoming meeting of say....ESL-1 through ESL-10
('1' being knowing how to use the 'cd' and 'ls' commands, and '10'
being able to understand even half of last night!) ...something
ball-park at least as sort of a disclaimer that says 'Warning: your
brain may explode as a result of this meeting' or 'This meeting may
require that you have therapy afterward' ..or something along those
lines LOL. That's just my 2 cents, but I'd bet that at least 75% of
the group would agree that last night was totally over our heads. I
highly respect the level of expertise that the presenters had last
night, but it just wasn't worth my time because it was so deep. Email
me or post back if you think I'm just way out of line or if you agree.
(Brian Schnautz, Sept.10, 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED])

This is a great idea.  I think I will work on this with Kevin for our


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