Ya, what Greg Donald said, put a good frontline firewall in (pfsense,
Untangle, Endian) and let the windows box spew it's warnings.. :)

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Greg Donald <gdon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Drew <cothar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yeah, it's off topic. However, in my experience the amount of knowledge
>> readily available on this list is huge, and I have a lot of respect for most
>> of the opinions expressed in matters technical here. But lets suppose, that
>> even though we've taken reasonable steps to ensure that windows machines on
>> our network are not compromised, the powers that be still "want to make
>> sure" that nothing has happened to any of them. Short of reinstalling
>> machines just because, or getting rid of them and having everyone use linux,
>> what's the best way to make certain a windows machine is not compromised? To
>> rephrase, what is the best (free or otherwise) software package to use to
>> check for spyware, malware, viruses, keyloggers, and other nefarious schemes
>> to take over the world that may be brewing on a windows computer? Thanks for
>> the feedback.
> I find my firewall is a good tool for detecting an 0wned windows box.
> I run my firewall with a default block all rule first then only open
> ports as required.  A compromised windows box will usually try to spew
> mail outbound or something similar, pretty easy to see in the firewall
> logs.
> I wouldn't rely on any sort of virus or malware protection tool on the
> windows box itself to tell me the truth, smart viruses disable such
> things.  Look at what the box is actually doing on the network
> outbound, it wouldn't get 0wned just to sit there.
> --
> Greg Donald
> http://destiney.com/
> >

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