I'm interested in an Install Fest.  I think I can get approval to use some
rooms, here at Watkins.  I don't know how large to expect the event, but I
can get 3 or more room that will handle about 20 people & computers each.
 (Each room has Wifi and a projector, as well.)
I assume we would hold this kind of event on a Saturday?  Anyone else out
there interested?  I can supply the location, but I've never been involved
in an install fest, so I'll need some help with the logistics.


On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Andrew Farnsworth <farn...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Steven S. Critchfield <
> cri...@basesys.com> wrote:
>> I think this is needed as well. I have noticed there are many jobs going
>> unfilled right now needing programmers. And now especially anyone with
>> sys-admin skills that can program are in demand.
>> Just as an example of the need. I suggested to my GF and a couple friends
>> that I could teach them how to program and use their current artistic
>> skills to make a decent web app shop. Something they could run in their
>> private time. Not only did I get a lot of interest from them, but even
>> some of the spouses as well.
>> I do have to remind you all though that while the perl classes had decent
>> attendance, there was two kinds of attendees. Those there just to learn,
>> and those who were interested in learning secondary to the social meeting.
>> I admit I was a member of the second group mostly.
>> I do not remember making many if any converts from the classes to members
>> of NLUG. I'm not certain that would be any different now. The people I am
>> privately teaching wouldn't have an interest in coming to an NLUG meeting.
> I don't know that the classes themselves specifically brought in permanent
> members, however, the presence of the classes and the breadth of NLUG in
> general was definitely a drawing point for people.  I think that if people
> knew that it was possible to triple your salary by taking one of these free
> classes that NLUG offers, we might see more attendance in both the classes
> and the group as a whole.  Note that the tripling of salary is direct
> personal experience, not annecdotal.  I went from a $25k / year job to a
> $75k / year job directly as a consequence of knowing Perl.  Yes, I had to
> move from Nashville to DC, but it did happen.
> Andy
> >

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