In the old days, installfests were the best thing since sliced bread,
and NLUG has at times excelled at them. But by this decade, most
distros have gotten their installers to the point that the
installation is a pretty simple exercise (modulo rare hardware).
Attendance at our installfests dropped off pretty sharply, as people
found that the installation could usually be completed with a few

We adapted to that by combining them with "tweak-fests"- helping with
the setup of the newly-installed system for new users, getting the
multimedia working, and finding/compiling drivers for the occasional
odd bit of hardware. But we still suffered from some pretty paltry
turnout, at times.

So I don't want to discourage the installfest plans (heck, I'll
probably show up) but to avoid disappointment, we need to have a plan
to drum up attendees -- advertise heavily to undregrads, identify
specific interested individuals, offer free software CDs -- is there
someone with marketing expertise/enthusiasm lurking this year who'd be
willing to pitch in? Otherwise, it may just be an NLUG meeting with an
overabundance of hardware -- not a bad thing in itself, of course --
but let's make sure we match up our goals and expectations.


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