Ralph wrote:

> Hi Oliver,
> > Just two failures left:
> >     usage: script [ -a ] [ typescript ]
> ...
> > This is a new check with the welcome message stuff.  Judging from
> > online man pages for script, this will have problems on other systems
> > too. OpenBSD for example, only seems to have a -a option for script.
> > Can't we redirect standard input on it to provide the command?
> I doubt it.

Right, the script man page on some systems cautions against doing that.

> I think the test is mhparam(1)'s checking for a TTY on FDs
> 0, 1, and 2.  OpenBSD's man page says $SHELL is used.  Perhaps the test
> can make use of this.
>     $ cat >cmd
>     #! /bin/sh
>     mhparam path
>     $ chmod +x cmd
>     $ SHELL=`pwd`/cmd script

Don't some systems require that the shell be listed in /etc/shells?

> > It took a bit of tracking down to find the bad substitution but it
> > seems to be from the w3m invocation being passed ${charset:+-I
> > "$charset"}
> > 
> > The space between -I and the charset is the problem.

> Yep.  When two words are required, the test could be duplicated.
>     ${charset:+-I} ${charset:+"$charset"}

I committed that change.  There was another one, but it has a long
option, so removing the space wouldn't work for it.


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