On Sat, 17 Feb 2018 19:53:05 -0500 Ken Hornstein <k...@pobox.com> wrote:
Ken Hornstein writes:
> Paul has been nibbling around the edges of saying this, but I would
> summarize his OVERALL point is that MH/nmh is used by a tiny, TINY
> fraction of email users, the way people use email has been changing,
> we're not keeping up, and this path isn't sustainable.  I know how
> old _I_ am, and I'm a youngster compared to some of the other MH users
> out there :-)
> I think that maybe a few die-hards out there might still be happy with
> nmh as their primary email reader, but I think that the best growth
> opportunity for nmh is to be one of several tools you would use to
> access your mailbox.  One of nmh's big weakness now is that you have to
> suck your email into its mailstore and once you put it in the MH mailstore
> not too many clients can get access to it (I am aware of some other
> MUAs which claim to support the MH mailstore, but every one I have looked
> at involves some compromises).  And when I say "growth", I just don't
> mean more users (although that would be nice), but being MORE USEFUL
> would sure be great.

I maintain a imap store (dovecot) as well as a separate MH store.
The first is useful mime friendly reading/writing email messages
but not great for much anything else. The second is not great
for reading/writing email but great for everything else.

I'd like to see both combined in one tool -- my fantasy is a
to have a CLI window in a GUI email client (a bit like the
command window in Autocad) where I can mix mh/shell commands
to select message, refile etc. as well have visual feedback of
selections and other notifications.  But even if such a client
existed, I wouldn't be surprised if no one else wants it.  GUI
only users don't usually like CLI. So this may not become a
"growth opportunity" for MH.

If/when I finish my mh-imap bridge, the two stores will have
to be synced and from then on they will remain in sync. My
goals are far more modest; just an imap client + mh server.  I
don't care about needing too many million inodes. And the way
to speed up pick/scan is to keep a cache of headers with some
indexing (so Pike's Prophecy is probably pertinent!).

> As for providing our own IMAP server ... ugh. 



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