
How will tags address the savings aspect of planning for future  
expenses?  I think tags will be tied to transactions, not buckets, is  
that correct?

I think tagging will really help in tracking how much we're spending  
for Christmas and similar transactions... we budget a certain amount  
per person, and then save throughout the year for all of our Christmas  
Expenses in our Christmas Gifts bucket.  Tagging each Christmas Gift  
transaction will help us to quickly see if we've spent what we planned  
to for each person, since we do our buying throughout the year.  But I  
think that I have a harder time seeing how I would be able to lump all  
my special projects into the same bucket, especially since I'd stop  
saving for the special project at a certain point, but I always  
continue to save for Christmas.  I'd have to change the amount I'm  
saving in a particular bucket, which means going back to my  
spreadsheet, rather than just stopping the allocation to a particular  

Or is planning/saving addressed in the wish list feature?

Thanks for your continued support!  Despite my comments, I love your  
product and recommend it to everyone with a Mac.


On Dec 28, 2008, at 12:21 AM, Kevin Hoctor wrote:

> On Dec 27, 2008, at 11:23 PM, Blair Watkinson wrote:
>> I love the simplicity of MoneyWell.  However, I only want to use one
>> finance software.  Is the ultimate purpose of MoneyWell to replace
>> anything I might otherwise use?
>> For instance, loan calculations, in my mind, are essential.  The
>> officially suggested approach is to calculate the total cost of a
>> loan, and assign that to the account -- a number that you can't find
>> anywhere, and which does not accurately reflect your current
>> indebtedness.
>> Planning investments/long-term savings is another current short-
>> coming.
>> I understand that many of these improvements are intended to come out
>> in version 2.0, and I guess my question is, is MoneyWell intended to
>> be a replacement of all other personal finance software?  These
>> improvements suggest that is it's purpose.  If so, I think that
>> folders/rooms are a useful idea, and it continues to keep the
>> simplicity of MoneyWell without abstracting the real dollars in the
>> buckets that a nested-bucket approach would create.
> Hi Blair,
> Loan calculations are definitely on target for future releases and so
> are investments. MoneyWell is designed to be your one tool for
> managing your personal finances but it certainly won't be everyone's
> solution. It will continue to focus on cash flow as a priority and not
> the truckload of features that have been added to Quicken over the
> years. My goal is to provide the core ones that people need to see a
> complete financial picture but not so many that MoneyWell turns into a
> Quicken clone.
>> One example, suppose I'm planning for multiple projects that are all
>> due in a certain time-frame.  When the spring thaws, I'm planning a
>> landscaping project, in the fall a major garage renovation, and in  
>> the
>> winter a trip to Disney World, and next year, a brand new minivan to
>> haul my growing family around.
>> I think that I'd want a separate bucket for each of these, but I  
>> don't
>> think that I'd want them to be taking up space in panel.  On the  
>> other
>> hand, I don't want to hide them either, since I use the hidden  
>> feature
>> to remove deprecated buckets (after my landscaping project, I would
>> hide the bucket).  MoneyWell lends itself to precisely this kind of
>> planning with my money, but the interface requires that they take up
>> valuable screen space.
>> I like the folder/room idea because it allows me to use MoneyWell as
>> my only financial tool, and not rely so heavily on spreadsheets as I
>> do now to track this stuff.
> I agree and that's why I want to add tags, especially for projects or
> special events. These are things that I would like to break out for
> reporting but not to clutter up my buckets list. I also want to use
> tags to break out spending my family member, another non-cash flow
> issue but still important information for me.
> Also, MoneyWell will get a "wish list" feature so you can plan and
> save for future purchases.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> No Thirst Software LLC
> >

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