Thank you, Lance, Terry, and Kevin.
Lance, you are correct - I did not know that I could change the cash flow
start date.  I have since watched the video tutorial.

Terry, I appreciate your comments about MoneyFlow.  I'm ok with not knowing
the MoneyFlow for my new document.  I have my original document that
contains the MoneyFlow.  However, since the buckets and accounts were not
matching, I wanted to start over.  The only transactions I am really
concerned about tracking from Jan. 1 are those from my business.  I'd like
to print an end of year report for tax purposes.

Kevin, thank you for your continued support of your product.  Yes, Blair's
advice seems to make sense to me, so, as Lance suggested, I changed my cash
flow start date to Jan. 1.

I think I am all set (I'm sure I'll need to periodically reassess to make
sure buckets and accounts match and to make sure I understand Blair's

I appreciate all those who have commented to this thread.


On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Kevin Hoctor <> wrote:

> On Mar 27, 2009, at 4:47 PM, Daniel Shanahan wrote:
> Ugh!  I'm getting more and more confused about my quandary.  I've spent the
> last 4 1/2 hours trying to get my MoneyWell account in some kind of workable
> condition.  I'm hesitant to do anything with my original account now that I
> have this new deficit in my credit card account.  I'm not sure how it got
> there (it was something I did while trying to "fix" my document), but I do
> know my credit card balance is 0.
> The closest I was able to come was downloading transactions from the
> beginning of the year from my bank account.  This, of course, imports into
> MoneyWell quite nicely.  It is soooo close.  The account balance is correct;
> I have transactions from the beginning of the year; Items are not allocated
> to buckets, but I can do than manually.  What I cannot do is get the salary
> bucket to have any money in it.
> To illustrate, let's say that I have five accounts: a personal checking
> account, a personal savings, account, a business checking account, a credit
> card account, and a cash account.  Furthermore, let's say that I only have
> money in three accounts: personal checking, personal savings, and business
> checking.  The credit card and cash accounts are 0 balance.  For
> illustration purposes, let's say I have $500 in each of these three
> accounts.  I would like my salary bucket - from which all other buckets get
> filled - to have $1,000.  I don't want the savings money ($500) to go to the
> salary bucket because I want to save that money, not allocate it.  However,
> I don't seem to be able to do this.  Very frustrating.
> As a number of people have given suggestions what they do when their
> buckets have more money than their accounts I once again ask "How is it
> possible to allocate more money than I have?"  This seems to go against the
> very essence of MoneyWell.
> In the end, I may end up taking Kevin's advice and starting fresh in April
> (as an aside, I tried changing my computer's date to Jan. 1, 2009 and then
> adding a starting balance on that date, but eventually that strategy
> failed).  I wish I could have a complete year in MoneyWell, mostly for tax
> purposes.
> I'm also unclear why it is not possible to delete the data that is in a
> bucket.  This should not affect a transaction because it hasn't been used
> for a transaction.  It's just virtual money in a bucket.
> Ok... I'm done venting.  I still like (really, really like) the program and
> will continue with it.
> Daniel,
> It looks like Blair gave you advice that is working but I'd just like to
> clarify some issues:
>  1. You don't have to change your computer date to import transactions. You
> can have as much historic data as you'd like yet start you cash flow
> tracking over at any time without losing that. Your bank statements and past
> transactions are nice to have so you can see your spending trends.
>  2. To start fresh on April 1, 2009, you would simply add up the cash you
> have left to spend and use that as your starting cash flow amount. Just
> total your account balances from the end of day prior. Remember to exclude
> any savings or credit cards since those are typically not part of your
> available spending money.
>  3. If you have transactions history (point 1 above), then you can't just
> assign your starting balance transactions to your Salary bucket. Instead,
> use point 2 to set up your money to spend. Just know that you won't see that
> money as available to spend until April 1. Don't delete history just to try
> and fix cash flow please.
> Let me know if you have more questions.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> No Thirst Software LLC
> >

Daniel Shanahan
Oakland, CA  94610

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