On Sat, 21 Nov 2009 08:12:52 -0700, Bdale Garbee <bdale at gag.com> wrote:
> I haven't figured out how to quickly tag everything as already read or
> archived or whatever .. can someone who knows more about what's going on
> confirm my hypothesis and if so, suggest the best approach to getting to
> a happier state?

See my message up-thread. The only reasonable ways all really do involve
at least a little bit of C-code hacking to either prevent those tags
from getting put there by "notmuch new" or to make it easier to get them
off afterwards.

I'm hoping everyone with this problem will happen to choose a different
solution and we'll get a nice flood of patches to improve things. :-)

And I can't help but apologize. I've known about all these issues, and
wouldn't have invited people to try things out in the current state. But
it was nice of Keith to share this with everyone. And it's nice of all
you to come take a look at things.

So, I'll just ask for a little patience, and we'll hopefully have a nice
system soon.


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