On 10 Nov 2013, at 9:54 pm, christofer.d...@c-ware.de wrote:

> Hi,
> I am intending on using NPanday in an upcoming project (Have used it just a 
> little in an experimental project before) but am willing to help :-)
> Would be good to have some sort of "Things that have to be done" List.

Off the top of my head, the "things to be done" list is:
- fix the problems that lead to integration test failures
- fix the regressions that have been filed in JIRA against 1.5.0
- run through the list of other tickets marked for 1.5.0. Some just need to be 
updated based on progress already made, some may need to be fixed, and others 
could be bumped out.
- finish migrating the site to svnpubsub so we can update the site (I started 

We welcome help on any of these. There are other things that might interest 
people (like improving mono results, and some folks have been contributing to 
PDB support) that are always welcome, but those are what come to mind for the 
next release.


Brett Porter   @brettporter

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