If I  had a product  for sale and sold it for $100, the transaction
would be complete. It's up  to  me to  make sure all  my costs and
markup  are  covered when I sell  my  product.  If I failed to  price
my  item at a higher price, and the person who bought my  product saw
a way to do that, that's called retail.  The issue then becomes is
the seller licensed to sell.

A CD costs a dollar. if you  buy i bulk or manufacture the things, it
can cost as little as $.06. So,  if I put my  band's music on it,
that I've already paid for the recording of,  and resell it for
$9.99, I'm doing the same thing. Profit is not a crime. Illegal
reselling of something you  don't OWN is.

On May 8, 2006, at 12:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just to play devil's advocate:

If you had a product for sale and you sold it for $100 and then went
onto a
website like Ebay (or Stubhub) and you saw that same exact product
being sold
by the person who bought it from you for $300-$500 (and the product
wouldn't you say to yourself, well that's what the product is worth
then.  If the
market will pay that much, then why aren't I charging that much?

I think these artists get sick and tired of seeing the scalpers make
money per ticket then they do.  And I don't blame them.  If he sold
these tickets
for $100, don't you think some fool would buy them off Ebay for 3
times that?
    Or maybe 5 times that?  So why shouldn't that money go to the artist?

Just a different angle on it, that's all


PS - When I say "Some Fool" include me in that category... cause I've
there and I've done that.

<Moderator: If that was 90% tickets sold I would totally agree with this
line of thinking, but this is more like 10-20% of the ticket sales.

Not everyone is willing to pay these prices. -Derek>

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