I think it's a great idea!  I'd like to be one of the album review
roundtable ppl.  I don't know much if I have a radio voice, but I like
to talk so LOL

<Moderator: That would be great!   -Derek>

On 10/25/06, Derek Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am big fan of the Firefly/Serenity podcast. They are very well done and
remind alot of the Online Prince community before Prince discovered the

I have been kicking around the idea of starting one about Prince for a few
months and I need some input.

Here is quick outline of what I was considering:
- 30-60 Minutes bi-weekly or monthly
- News/Rumors
- Album Review Roundtable [where 3 or 4 other join me]
- Concert Reviews and Information
- Associated Artist - News, Information
- Song Analyst
- Listeners Submissions [Prince themed articles, peotry, etc.]
- Emails/Voicemails Feedback

What do you think? Anything you would add take away? Anyone interested in
contributing, I am probably going to need a co-host for this. Don't like
the idea of talking to myself Hehe [Anyone want to audition?]

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