Hey Ry... Mary M sent out the TC christmas party invite, and I immediately 
thought of you since I had you for gift exchange last year and of course you 
figured me out right away.  I hope you and Kris are doing well...and Liam and 
baby to be named of course.  Miss you guys!  I saw Mary P two weekends ago when 
she was driving down to see her family in Parsons.  She stopped to chat.  I 
really miss having you guys here.   Hope you had a relaxing and satisfying 
Thanksgiving.  Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

:-). Please tell Kristen I said hello.  

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Kellems <rkell...@uoregon.edu>
Sender: owner-npsos...@lists.uoregon.edu
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2010 10:40:34 
To: npsoserv@lists.uoregon.edu<npsoserv@lists.uoregon.edu>
Reply-To: npsoserv@lists.uoregon.edu
Subject: [NPSO]: Additional information regarding next weeks CofP call

Sorry for not clearly explaining next weeks call in the previous email.   I
just wanted to let everyone know that SLDS stand for Statewide Longitudinal
Data Systems.  SLDS is a data system that links data across agencies or data
within agencies such as linking special and general Education data or k-12
data with post-secondary data. Many states have  have been given federal
grants to establish SLDS systems.  The goal of this grant program is  to
link Early Childhood, K-12, Post-secondary and labor data.  Information
about the IES SLDS program can be found at http://nces.ed.gov/programs/slds/
.  Specific information about your state including a copy of it¹s SLDS grant
application (if is currently has a grant) can be found at
http://nces.ed.gov/programs/slds/stateinfo.asp I would encourage you to look
and see if your state has a SLDS grant prior to our call next week.  Please
feel free to email me if you have any other questions.

Ryan Kellems, Ph.D.
Research Associate
National Post-School Outcomes Center
Secondary Special Education & Transition
University of Oregon
(541) 346-3218

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