Yes, with some testing it is the INSERT that is slowing it down... A LOT.  
Without the insert the file with 30,000 records gets read within 5 minutes.

Yes the quotes are always present.

Is there no faster way to INSERT records from a text file to the database?

--- In, "joespan123" <j...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Are you sure that reading the file is the slowest part.
> I would think that performing the INSERT to the database would be slowest 
> part.
> The use of "Split" may be a slow function call.
> Can you guarentee the quotes are all ways present, if so you may be able to 
> use the "Mid" function to strip off the quotes.
> Also I use the "file.LineInputString()" to read a line from a file, maybe try 
> using that to see if it is faster than "File.ReadText(-3)".
> Cheers
> Joe
> --- In, "bigpete@" <bigpete@> wrote:
> >
> > I have a file with This type of record
> > 
> > 1,C0AAA006,"AAA MOBILE STORAGE(ON)",,,,,,,,,,,,0001,,,,,,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Now I have this following code
> > 
> >   Do
> >       recs = File.ReadText(-3)
> >       SplitRecs= Split(recs,",")
> >       NoQuotes = Split(def(2),"""")
> > 
> >     i = i+1
> >     txtrecords.Text = i
> >     cmd="INSERT OR REPLACE INTO  ""NameDB""  VALUES( """ & SplitRecs(1) & 
> > """,""" & NoQuotes(1) &""")"
> >     showstatus SplitRecs(1) & " - " & NoQuotes(1)
> > 
> > 
> > It takes a while for the file to get read in (About 5 minutes to read 1000 
> > records :s)
> > 
> > Is there a way that I can get File.ReadText or some other way to only read 
> > the first 3 piece of data after the comma's... 1,C0AAA006,"AAA MOBILE 
> > STORAGE(ON)"???...instead of the entire line. I think that may speed up the 
> > searching.  This file has about 30,000 records.
> > 
> > OR is there another way I can get that data from a file read into the SQL 
> > lite database?
> >

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