Everyone knows mathematicians can't do arithmetic!
But I'll pretend it was a typo...


-----Original Message-----
From: lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu [mailto:lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu] On Behalf Of 
Matt Seattle
Sent: 04 November 2009 11:24
To: gibbonssoi...@aol.com
Cc: nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [NSP] Re: schei greiss

     "Notereader makes Hornpipes sound fairly good in 21/16, with dotted
     undotted quavers alternating."

   Do you mean 20/16, John?

   Any system of notation relies on a culture which knows how that
   particular music is played, just as any written language relies on
   people knowing how to pronounce it (greiss / grace etc.). The problems
   Anthony highlights are well known - use dots if you know how the music
   sounds, otherwise they are a hindrance.

   Ancedote, half-remembered: an arranger scored out a trumpet part for
   Miles Davis with a serious attempt at imitating what he understood of
   the nuanced rubato of Miles' phrasing - Miles said, I can't read this,
   man, write it straight, I'll phrase it.


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