Been there ,done that.
Colin R

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard York <>
To: Dartmouth nsp list N.P.S. site <>
Sent: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 9:35
Subject: [NSP] Re: Mr. Bewick, Rats and Inverted Bags

And quite apart from an illustration of an interesting bag position, (which is where we came in), & even more interesting bellows with angled attitude, I'm impressed by his using the lower 4th finger as the accompaniment on the harmony half of the double chanter while the rest of the same hand works with his left hand to produce the tune.  Now there's a challenge to all you makers - double chanter nsp's? - not just musettes with extra notes on second chanter, but actual double chanter.... 
(Hastily takes cover.) 
Anita Evans wrote: 
Julia Say wrote: 
Why have I suddenly (and inexplicably?) become even more grateful to Jackie Boyce......  and to those fates that decreed I was going to play a different
indeed - at least with the 'standard' bag you can pretend it was
never > an animal... 
I picked this at random on youtube, but it illustrates the bag
origins > very nicely I think 
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