How funny is the photo in that article. You could do a funny quote comp on that 

"duh, what's up boss? Have you got a headache?"

Sent from my iPhone

On 24/02/2012, at 3:36 PM, mark worrall <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Paul Hart <> wrote:
> Spot on Matthew 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 24/02/2012, at 11:49 AM, LEESE Matthew <> 
> wrote:
>> And thats where we need some balance.
>> Mick had his 'everyone put in a shift and we'll do alright' policy and 
>> applied this across the park with no recognition of the need for both  graft 
>> and guile. It didn't work.
>> Morgan/Moxey are pursuing the 'young and hungry' ethos without recognition 
>> for more of a balance between youth and experience. We had the situation 
>> where we wasted alot of money on players coming to the end of their careers 
>> that inspired the famous 'golden tit' outburst and now seem to have the 
>> complete reverse of this. I think we need a balance between youth and 
>> experience and I reckon we got it right for a while when we had the likes of 
>> Ince, Irwin and Rae playing with players like Naylor (seemed erratic at the 
>> time but a dream compared to our current left back situation), Lescott and 
>> Murray. The young and hungry policy suits M&M's 'business' goals and they 
>> see these players as an investment/appreciating asset. Surely an older 
>> player can be seen  as a sound investment though if they help bring success 
>> on the pitch which in turn transalates to increassed money off it.
>> From: [] On Behalf 
>> Of Steven Millward
>> Sent: Friday, 24 February 2012 11:34 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [NSWolves] Walter it is Then ! [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
>> I reckon we have the capital to spend but we won't spend the wages.  We 
>> agree fees with clubs but then it falls apart on personal terms e.g. Scott 
>> Dann.  There must be others
>> Albion do the reverse.  A lot of their side was bought cheap but they pay 
>> more than us in wages.  As transfer fees are amortized over the life of the 
>> contract maybe we should change our approach and spend more of the total 
>> cost on wages than transfers.
>> The problem is that you then run up against the young and hungry policy 
>> (which is another Morgan backed idea).  Young players cost more.  If we want 
>> to do that then we'll have to take a gamble on older players towards the end 
>> of their career.
>> On 24 February 2012 11:06, LEESE Matthew <> 
>> wrote:
>> I agree Moxey's not entirely accountable and is basically trying to achieve 
>> the aims laid out by the owner but I would imagine these are reasonably high 
>> level and he has control over how he achieves them. I like the fact that we 
>> are financially sound in comparison to many/most other clubs and are not 
>> about to do a Portsmouth but I think there's room to be a little less 
>> cautious. Also, be more realistic about who we try and buy - if we have 5 
>> million to spend on a player, don't spend time haggling trying to get 10 
>> million rated players who inevtibly go to someone in the market for an 8 
>> million pound player. We seem to lose out on so many players through this.
>> From: [] On Behalf 
>> Of Steven Millward
>> Sent: Friday, 24 February 2012 10:35 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [NSWolves] Walter it is Then ! [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
>> I'm not sure Moxey is to blame, to be fair to him.  His instructions    come 
>> from the owner and that is to run the club as a business and not make a loss.
>> Unfortunately I think success and profit are incompatible in the    Prem 
>> when almost everyone else loses money, and most managers will know this.  
>> This might change if we can hold out until FFP but I'm not convinced.
>> Agree that they could offer a manager 20k a week for the rest of the season 
>> with a 1m bonus if we stay up.  Would be well worthwhile and good money for 
>> anyone.  The value to the club would be immense compared to a million quid.  
>> The choice of manager would be very different if we went down to if we stay 
>> up.  
>> Brighton turned us down on Poyet, so I read. 
>> On 24 February 2012 10:00, LEESE Matthew <> 
>> wrote:
>> It would appear that money is an issue and we're seeing Moxey once again try 
>> to operate on a shoestring. I worked with a Stoke fan back in England who 
>> was delighted when they got rid of Moxey - he felt Moxey was holding them 
>> back and there is no questioning their progression over the last 10 years.
>> I look at the current situation and think what value do you put on 
>> Premiership survival? The money its worth has to warrant a sizeable 
>> investment to try and stay up. The way I see it we have 2 realistic options:
>> - get someone in on a short term contract who's a real motivator and can get 
>> a bunch of players 'over performing' for a spell - someone in the Ian 
>> Holloway mould. A 13 game contract is obviously not very attractive and so 
>> that has to be compensated for by offering a 'too tempting'
>>   financial incentive. Its no good offering a 13 game contract on bog 
>> standard Premiership wages. The value of staying in the league is phenomenal 
>> - why not offer a huge incentive to someone to keep us up?
>> - get someone you think can progress the team long term, regardless of which 
>> league we're in, and offer them a longer term contract. Curbishley (who I 
>> wasn't excited about but now looks a shining light compared to some of the 
>> dross we've been      linked with) went down with
>>   Charlton and brought them back up stronger, enjoying a prolonged period of 
>> what undoubtedly had to be viewed as success given their resources. I 
>> wouldn't mind seeing us take a punt on Poyet for this option.
>> The situation as is is a farce. Morgan and Moxey are looking like a pair of 
>> clowns and its an embarrassment to the club. They knew this day would come 
>> and obviously knew when that day was fast approaching - why didn't they plan 
>> for it accordingly?
>> From: [] On Behalf 
>> Of Steven      Millward
>> Sent: Friday, 24 February 2012 9:37 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [NSWolves] Walter it is Then ! [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
>> No it's that there isn't much money to spend on transfers and the wage 
>> structure can't be changed.
>> On 24 February 2012 08:23, Paul Crowe <> wrote:
>> If Clipboard is given the job until the end of the season there will be less 
>> than 10K season ticket holder’s renew next season.
>> I do not know what this “vision” is that the 2 x M’s are referring to? It 
>> must be pretty radical or scary!
>> Paul Crowe
>> Sales Manager - Asia Pacific
>> ConTech (Sydney Office)
>> PO Box 3517
>> Rhodes Waterside
>> Rhodes NSW  2138
>> Tel: 02 97396636  Fax: 02 97396542
>> Mob: 0406009562
>> Email:
>> Website:
> -- 
> Boo! Curbishley out!
> -- 
> Boo! Curbishley out!

Boo! Curbishley out!

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