On Sat, 6 Dec 2003, Hans Hagen wrote:

> At 11:20 05/12/2003, you wrote:
> >HI
> >
> >I have been reading lang-ita.tex to see how a language is
> >defined. There are some errors. I have compare the translation with those
> >done by Javier Bezos in
> >spanish for babel ( he has studied spanish typesetting to build the style)
> So, you suggest:
> \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!tabellen=Cuadros]
> \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!figuren=Figuras]
> \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!intermezzos=intermedios]
> \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!afkortingen=Abreviaci\'ones]

Abreviaci\'ones is not correct. Put Abreviaciones.

> \setupheadtext [\s!es] [\v!eenheden=Unidades]
> \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!tabel=Cuadro ]
> \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!figuur=Figura ]
> \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!intermezzo=intermedio ]    % for instance some
> intermdiate (often framed) textual intermezzo
> \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!january=enero]
> \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!september=septiembre]
> \setuplabeltext [\s!es] [\v!december=diciembre]
> Are there other spanish users out there who disagree? If not, i'll patch ...

I think, the only problem is with the traslation of tabel/tablen. The old
traslation in Babel and used in technical wrting is tabla/tablas (I suposs
for direct traslation of enghish). The new traslation
(cuadoro/cuadros) made by Javier Bezos is more general ( I think,
especially in ConTeXt) is not dificult to define a new float named tabla
if anybody want to use instead of cuadoro.


> Hans
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