On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 03:21:39PM -0500, Bill McClain wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 13:41:38 -0600
> Matt Gushee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am planning to publish a book that is typeset using ConTeXt, and
> > very soon I am going to start contacting printers for estimates. Given
> > that a shop prints from PDF files, does it matter that the PDFs are
> > produced by ConTeXt?
> This has all been for digital printing and perfect-bound paperbacks. I
> would like to know if an offset press generating folded and gathered
> signatures takes the same pdf input. And where to go for sewn hardcovers
> in small quantities and short run leatherbound books for "collector's
> editions." I haven't explored those issues yet but will do so
> eventually.
> -Bill

The printshops that I dealt with were capable of imposing normally
paginated pdfs into signatures for offset printing. I've never done
imposition myself.

Siep Kroonenberg
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