Ciro Soto wrote:

I need two more twiks for my footnotes:
I am using asterisk instead of numbers or letter for the footnotes.

Twik 1:
My font is too slanted and the asterisk (*) is printed too close to the
last word in the sentence.
Charles IV \footnote[]{asdfasdf}
will print an asterisk touching the V letter.
How do I instruct context to give me some room between the V and the asterisk?

What about Charles IV\/\footnote[]{asdfasdf}?

Second twik:
How to control the distance between the page text and the rule line
that separates
the footnote and the page text?

You can use "before=\blank[5cm]" to get around 5 cm blank space before the footnote line.

I tried the "distance=", th
e "height="  arguments in the
setupfootnotes, but they don't do
what I want.
thank you

The comment next to the only line in core-not.tex where I saw the parameter "distance=" being used states that it is hack for something, so I didn't really understand if/how someone could use it. "height" has some other strange meaning (perhaps the maximum height of footnotes, I have no idea).

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