I remember some discussions years ago with Pablo Rodriguez on this topic, and I 
have some previous discussions with a reledmac LaTeX French expert, about 
critical edition in the Medieval and/or Latin/Ancient Greek studies … Maybe 
Pablo has preserved some CTX samples ? I need to dig in my ‘archeological’ 
ConTeXt MWE ! But here is what would be clever to achieve with Context/Luame

Attachment: ConTeXt_FootNote-CriticusApparatus_2Columns_Pablo-Hans-03.tex
Description: Binary data

Attachment: LaTeX-reledmac_footnote_spacing.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

tatex (see attached files)

> Le 3 janv. 2022 à 10:43, hanneder--- via ntg-context <ntg-context@ntg.nl> a 
> écrit :
> Dear Bruce and Hans,
> thanks for you responses and I apologize for the lengthy post, which is just 
> to give you an
> impression of the current practice in my field (Sanskrit Studies, Indology).
> For the last two decades edmac and its further developments (now reledmac) 
> have become the standard
> for critical editions. In my experience the basic requirements for 
> typesetting critical editions
> were and are:
> - footnotes have to be formatted in paragraphs
> - multiple footnotes layers stacked below the critical text must be possible
> - automatic reference to linenumbers
> - or: manual references to verse numbers
> - language specific requirements (more complicated, see below)
> In the last years new requirements have been added:
> - some funding institutions in the academic world practically enforce online 
> editions
> - data have to be made available in TEI xml format
> This is where a new (LuaTeX) package called ekdosis, currently being 
> developed by Robert Alessi,
> comes in. It produces a printed version and in the same TeX run an xml file. 
> In an ongoing
> editorial project we are using this method and it works very well. While the 
> system is ingenious
> and a great relief (for we do not have to work with xml directly), I am also 
> critical about these
> new demands, because they force us to use a fairly complex system for 
> sometimes quite simple tasks.
> I am a Sanskritist, we do not have huge budgets or a large staff, so 
> efficiency is an issue. We
> also do not have the resources for the long-term care for data such as online 
> editions, but this is
> another problem.
> In a previous project, a large edition (30000 verses, 15 years), I tried to 
> use the easiest
> method. It turned out that edmac was not even necessary and not using it made 
> the main file from
> which we are working very readable and greatly simplified daily work. Just to 
> give you an
> impression from our input file: The first two lines in the next paragraph are 
> the Sanskrit text in
> transcription, \var produces a variant with reference to the verse number and 
> verse quarter
> (a-d). So no line numbering was even necessary. The \lem produces the sign 
> that divides the
> critical text and its witnesses from the variants, usually "]", the rest are 
> sigla, like S1, S3
> etc.
> mumukṣuvyavahāroktimayāt prakaraṇād anu   \danda
> athotpattiprakaraṇaṃ mayedaṃ parikathyate  \sloka{1.5}
>   \var{5b}{anu \Sseven \Sft \lem \emph{param} \Sone \Sthree \Snine \Ntwelve 
> \Ntw}
> I used pdflatex and memoir, which has paragraphed footnotes. Here is the 
> relevant section from the
> preamble:
> \renewcommand*{\@makefnmark}{}
> \newfootnoteseries{P}
> \paragraphfootstyle{P}
> \renewcommand{\thefootnoteP}{}
> \footmarkstyleP{}
> \renewcommand{\@makefnmarkP}{\hskip-2.2pt}
> \renewcommand{\footnoterule}{}
> \setlength{\stockheight}{6in}
> \renewcommand{\linenumberfont}{\normalfont\tiny}
> \setlength{\linenumbersep}{0pt}\setlength{\linenumberwidth}{0pt}\modulolinenumbers[2]
> \setlength{\footmarkwidth}{0em}
> \setlength{\footmarksep}{-\footmarkwidth}
> \addtolength{\skip\footins}{2mm plus 1mm}
> \leftskip=.2cm            % indent of the verses
> \def\var#1#2{\footnoteP{#1 #2}}  % footnotes
> This is what I compiled from different examples (I am not a programmer), but 
> it worked -- the
> edition has produced quite a few volumes and is almost finished!
> Working with this file was easy, because one could easily read the text.  The 
> usual edmac code
> would have required us to identify an lemma with \edtext and then write the 
> variant directly into
> the text. This may not matter in the case of few variants, but with many 
> variants the text is
> quickly rendered unreadable -- even with all tricks to make footnotes 
> invisible (I use folding in
> emacs). The following would be a single example verse (32 syllables, same 
> size as the one quoted
> above), encoded in ekdosis and with lots of manuscripts:
> \begin{tlg}[hp16][]
> \tl{
> \app{\lem[wit={ceteri}]{manthāna}
>     \rdg[type=stemmaerror,wit={B2}]{\unm śrīmanthāna} % stemma error
>     \rdg[wit={C4,L1,N5}]{manthāra}
>     \rdg[wit={N13,Tü,V1,V22,Vu}]{manthāno\skp{-}}
>     \rdg[wit={J2}]{mandāra}}%
> \app{\lem[wit={ceteri}]{bhairavo}
>     \rdg[wit={N20}]{mairavo}
>     \rdg[wit={N23}]{bhairavā}
>     \rdg[wit={V26}]{bhaivarau}}
> \app{\lem[wit={ceteri}]{yogī}
>     \rdg[wit={J2}]{jogī}
>     \rdg[wit={C1}]{siddha}
>     \rdg[wit={V5}]{siddhe}
>     \rdg[wit={J15,V8}]{yogi}}
> \app{\lem[wit={ceteri}]{siddha}
> \rdg[type=stemmapoint,wit={B1,B3,C2,C3,C4pc,C6,N1,J10,J13,J17,N6,N10,N13,N17,Tü,V4,V11,V22,V26}]{śuddha}
>  %stemma point
>     \rdg[wit={J15}]{śruddha}
>     \rdg[wit={B2,N19,V6}]{siddho\skp{-}}
>     \rdg[wit={C1,V5}]{yogī} %s
>     \rdg[wit={V1}]{suddha}
>     \rdg[wit={J1,J3,J14,N2,N16}]{siddhi}
>     \rdg[wit={J2}]{sandhi}
>     \rdg[wit={N20}]{viddha}
>     \rdg[wit={N22}]{sidha}
>     \rdg[wit={N24}]{siddhar\skp{-}}
>     \rdg[wit={V8}]{suddho}}\app{\lem[wit={ceteri},alt={buddhaś 
> ca}]{buddha\skp{ś-ca}}
>     \rdg[wit={J2}]{tudhiś ca}
>     \rdg[wit={C7}]{pādaś ca}
>     \rdg[type=stemmapoint,wit={C6,J1,J3,N3,N16,N20,V2,V3,V26}]{buddhiś 
> ca}%stemma point
>     \rdg[wit={N22}]{nudhaś ca}
>     \rdg[wit={N24}]{cuddhaś ca}
> }\skm{ś-ca}
> \app{\lem[wit={ceteri}]{kanthaḍiḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={B1}]{kanthariḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={B2,N23}]{kanthaḍīḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={C1,C6,J15,N10,N12,N20,N21,V6}]{kanthaḍī}
>     \rdg[wit={C3}]{kanthaṭī}
>     \rdg[wit={C4ac}]{kukuḍiḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={V1,J10pc,N3}]{kanthalī}
>     \rdg[wit={J10ac}]{kanhalī}
>     \rdg[wit={N5}]{kaṃtharī}
>     \rdg[wit={J2}]{kanthaḍi}
>     \rdg[wit={J17,N6,N17,N22,V4,V11}]{kandalī} %
>     \rdg[wit={V3}]{kanthaḍīṃ}
>     \rdg[wit={J1}]{kanthaviḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={V8}]{kandali}
>     \rdg[wit={N13}]{kaṃpaṭiḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={Tü}]{kaṃpaḍiḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={M1}]{paddhatiḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={V26}]{kānuṭiḥ}
>    }/}\\
> \tl{
> \app{\lem[wit={ceteri}]{pauraṇṭakaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={N22}]{pauraṃṭaka}
>     \rdg[wit={N5}]{pauraṃṭhakaḥ } % group according to alphabetical order?
>     \rdg[wit={B1,N1,N10,V6}]{pauraṇḍakaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={V11}]{pauraṇḍakaṃ }
>     \rdg[wit={B2}]{pauraṇḍaṅka}
>     \rdg[wit={C3}]{pauraṃṭaṃka}
>     \rdg[wit={N16,N24}]{kauraṇṭakaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={N12}]{kauraṃṭaka}
>     \rdg[wit={J14,V26}]{kauraṇḍakaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={J2}]{koraṃṭaka}
>     \rdg[wit={J4,N21,N23}]{koraṃtakaḥ }
>     \rdg[type=stemmapoint,wit={C6,N13,Tü,V22,Vu}]{koraṃṭakaḥ }% stemma point?
>     \rdg[wit={N2}]{koraṇṭīkaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={N3}]{goraṃṭaka}
>     \rdg[wit={M1}]{ghoraṃṭakaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={V8}]{\unm kāhapauraṇṭaka}
>     \rdg[wit={Vu}]{koraṃḍīka}
>     \rdg[wit={V2}]{kauraṃḍīkaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={N20}]{paura...kaḥ } %illeg
>     \rdg[wit={C1,J3,L1,N11,V5,V19}]{{\supplied{\gap{reason=lost,unit=word, 
> quantity=1}}}}
> }\app{\lem[wit={ceteri}]{surānandaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={B2,N12}]{sarānanda}
>     \rdg[wit={C2,J2,N2,N3,V3,N22,V2}]{surānanda}
>     \rdg[wit={N24}]{śurānaṃdaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={J4}]{sarānandaḥ }
>     \rdg[wit={C1,J3,L1,N11,V5,V19}]{{\supplied{\gap{reason=lost,unit=word, 
> quantity=1}}}}
> }\app{\lem[wit={ceteri}]{siddha}
>     \rdg[wit={V1,J1,J2,N16,N24}]{siddhi}
>     \rdg[wit={V8}]{siddhā}
>     \rdg[wit={C1,J3,L1,N11,V5,V19}]{{\supplied{\gap{reason=lost,unit=word, 
> quantity=1}}}}}\app{\lem[wit={ceteri},alt={pādaś}]{pāda\skp{ś-ca}}
>     \rdg[wit={N22}]{pāda}
>     \rdg[wit={C1,J3,L1,N11,V5,V19}]{{\supplied{\gap{reason=lost,unit=word, 
> quantity=1}}}}}\app{\lem[wit={ceteri},alt={ca}]{\skm{ś-ca}}
>     \rdg[wit={N22}]{{\supplied{\gap{reason=lost,unit=word, quantity=1}}}}}
> \app{\lem[wit={ceteri}]{carpaṭiḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={B1,B2,N2,N17,N23,V3,V4}]{carppaṭiḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={C3,J17,V6}]{carppaṭī}
>     \rdg[wit={C4ac,C6,C7,V1,V2}]{carpaṭī}
>     \rdg[wit={C4pc,J1,J15,N3,V8,N24}]{carpaṭi}
>     \rdg[wit={J2}]{tarpaṭi}
>     \rdg[wit={M1}]{parpaṭiḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={N5}]{carpaṭīḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={N11,V11}]{carpaṭaḥ}
>     \rdg[wit={C1,J3,L1,N11,V5,V19}]{{\supplied{\gap{reason=lost,unit=word, 
> quantity=1}}}}
> %\note*{1.6cd is omitted in C1,J3,L1,N11,V5,V19.}
> }//}
> \end{tlg}
> It is obvious that it is not possible to read the text anymore, a single 
> verse does not even fit the screen. For
> editing and selecting the variants one has to produce a formatted pdf version.
> ---------
> Another disadvantage of the edmac style approach is that it expects European 
> languages. Scripts are
> no more the main problem, but the interaction of different scripts, word 
> divisions and other minute
> details make daily life of the editor complicated.
> I hope the next example is more or less intelligible.
> We have a Sanskrit text passage that reads in transcription as:
> samyaggomaya
> The word consists of two elements, samyag and gomaya, but in the Indian 
> script that we use for the
> critical text the "ggo" is a ligature. So in giving variants for both words, 
> we cannot just
> separate samyag and gomaya, for then the ligature gg is not printed 
> correctly. We also want to
> quote the correct word samyag in the apparatus (which is in roman!). Now, to 
> make things more
> complicated the xml text should contain the correct word division, so we have 
> to split samyag and
> gomaya. Thus, we now have to write the first "g" twice, first as \skp{g}, 
> which explains to the xml
> converter that this is the logical position of the g (in the word samyag), 
> and \skm{g}, which tells
> TeX to print this together with the next g as the ligature gg. Because of 
> this mess, we need a
> modified lemma, "alt={gomaya}" so that the apparatus comes out correctly.
> \app{\lem[alt={samyag},wit={ceteri}]{samya\skp{g-}}
>      \rdg[wit={B2}]{samyaṃ}
>      \rdg[wit={J4}]{sāṃyaṃ}
>      \rdg[wit={J13,V1,N2,N19,V11}]{samyak}
>      \rdg[wit={N3}]{saṃ}
>      \rdg[wit={V8}]{liptaṃ}
>      \rdg[wit={N21}]{ramyaṃ}
>      \rdg[wit={N22}]{{\supplied{\gap{reason=lost,unit=word,quantity=1}}}}
> }%
> \app{\lem[wit={ceteri}, alt={gomaya}]{\skm{g-}gomaya}
>      \rdg[wit={C4,C6,V3,V8,N13,N19,N21,N23,Tü,V4,V11}]{gomaya}
>      \rdg[wit={V26}]{jogamaya}
>      \rdg[wit={N22}]{{\supplied{\gap{reason=lost,unit=word,quantity=1}}}}
> }
> Please ignore the details, but perhaps you get my point. It is all becoming 
> very ingenious and it
> is a great relief that all this can be automatized. But it is also 
> increasingly complicated to work
> with and slowing down editing considerably.
> This is why I was curious to see about the status of critical edition in 
> ConTeXt. I was hoping for
> something that can be kept simple.
>> The only real question I have to those who produce critical editions for 
>> real: are the examples I've linked to useful and appropriate to be copied?
> Absolutely. It would be great to see a Context solution for this.
> Greetings
> Jürgen
> ----- Nachricht von Bruce Horrocks via ntg-context <ntg-context@ntg.nl> 
> ---------
>     Datum: Fri, 24 Dec 2021 16:39:12 +0000
>       Von: Bruce Horrocks via ntg-context <ntg-context@ntg.nl>
> Antwort an: mailing list for ConTeXt users <ntg-context@ntg.nl>
>   Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] Critical Editions?
>        An: mailing list for ConTeXt users <ntg-context@ntg.nl>
>        Cc: Bruce Horrocks <n...@scorecrow.com>, Idris Samawi Hamid 
> <isha...@colostate.edu>
>>> On 24 Dec 2021, at 12:07, Hans Hagen via ntg-context <ntg-context@ntg.nl> 
>>> wrote:
>>> a lot related to numbering, referencing and notes and much of that is 
>>> present
>>> so if you can team up with other critical edition users ... i suppose that 
>>> Idris can send you his onthology-so-far
>> I'm not a user but was intrigued by Juergen's original post. In an effort to 
>> educate myself I found this page 
>> <https://www.djdekker.net/ledmac/examples.html> and thought about how those 
>> examples might be set using ConTeXt instead. It didn't take long to realise 
>> that Juergen pretty much has it exactly right with his sample code.
>> If it would help I could have a go at setting one or two of those examples 
>> and put it onto the Wiki somewhere?
>> The only real question I have to those who produce critical editions for 
>> real: are the examples I've linked to useful and appropriate to be copied?
>> —
>> Bruce Horrocks
>> Hampshire, UK
>> ___________________________________________________________________________________
>> If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to 
>> the Wiki!
>> maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / 
>> http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
>> webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
>> archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
>> wiki     : http://contextgarden.net
>> ___________________________________________________________________________________
> ----- Ende der Nachricht von Bruce Horrocks via ntg-context 
> <ntg-context@ntg.nl> -----
> ---
> Prof. Dr. Juergen Hanneder
> Philipps-Universitaet Marburg
> FG Indologie u. Tibetologie
> Deutschhausstr.12
> 35032 Marburg
> Germany
> Tel. 0049-6421-28-24930
> hanne...@staff.uni-marburg.de
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
> If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 
> Wiki!
> maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
> webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
> archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
> wiki     : http://contextgarden.net
> ___________________________________________________________________________________

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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