On Jan 3, 2011, at 7:09 PM, Daniel Schopper wrote:

> \setupfootnotes[
>       location=text,
>       numberconversion=empty,
>       paragraph=,
>       ]
> \newcount\entrycounter
> \entrycounter=0
> \def\appentry#1#2{%
>       \startline[line:\the\entrycounter]%
>       \pagereference[page:\the\entrycounter]%
>       #1%
>       \stopline[line:\the\entrycounter]%
>       \footnote{{\bf \at[page:\the\entrycounter]} 
> \inline[line:\the\entrycounter] #1] #2}}%
>       \advance\entrycounter by1%
> \starttext\startlinenumbering
> This is a sample \appentry{paragraph}{om. h1}.\\
> An this is another \appentry{one}{sentence}.
> \stoplinenumbering
> \bigskip
> Endnotes
> \placefootnotes
> \stoptext

Tricky. I can't figure out how to do it. First, the code you write can never 
work. You define a \newcount and set it to 0. Before your text starts, you 
increase this count, so now its value is 1. Then, you never touch this value 
again, so effectively, all your references expand to page:1 and line:1. (And, 
on top of it all, your file has only one line since \\ doesn't start a new 
line.) But even if you try to increment your counter within the definition of 
your macro, it won't work because it will be advanced and frozen by the time 
your footnotes are typeset. So this approach will not work, I'm afraid. I'm not 
sure this can be done in ConTeXt.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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