The handling of the "vons" issue is cultural and language-dependent.
The problem with mucking around with vonsep and other parameters is
that one may very well have a mixture of references in a single
document (this is often the case for me). I see no solution other than
trying to identify some common use and to make the behavior depend on
the language= field (or the document language, by default).


On Sun, 1 Feb 2015 20:57:23 +0100
"Keith J. Schultz" <> wrote:

> Hi Idris, All,
> We have here the classical database problem of finding a format that
> fits all. But, as any body working with databases knows this will not
> work with a rigid format.
> Here we have 3 fields for the authors can can be misused.
> The von is the most problematic. It seems due to its cultural
> diversity.
> The use of the \setuppublicationlist[colsep=] helps in some ways that
> it gives the writers of text the flexibility of  manually controlling
> the space after von field, but as Idris has pointed out this would
> involve a lot of work depending on the authors one has in ones
> database. This is especially, problematic for academics that reuse
> their bibliographies!
> Irdis second solution is a simple work around for where only a few
> changes are necessary.
> I am not an expert with this „von“ business, but in Idris case here
> „al-„ a simple change in the output of the vonsep could help globally
> without causing to many problems. That is make the output of the
> vonsep dependent on the last character of the von-field here „-„ 
> The other possibility would be to use a discretionary switch for the
> output of the vonsep one definition could be vonsep=
>       yes             : output blank or global vonsep (default if
> vonsep field not in publication entry) no                : do not
> output vonsep string         : output character sequence
>         command : use command to output vonsep
> Of  course we could just have a default handler for the von field and
> allow it to be changed by writers! 
> hope this helps the people smashing their brains on this subject/code!
> regards
>       Keith. 
> > Am 01.02.2015 um 16:06 schrieb Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد
> > <>:
> > 
> > Dear Syndicate,
> > 
> > The current bibliography handler uses the following for authors:
> > 
> > \type{\author[junior]{firstnames}[inits]{von}{surname}}
> > 
> > Now in Arabic we have something similar to the 'von' field: the
> > definite article 'al-', 'ibn', etc. Just as with 'von' we want to
> > ignore them in the alphabetical sorting. [On the other hand,
> > ConTeXt cannot currently sort its own bbl files alphabetically].
> > See the linked picture for a real-life example (the top-right of
> > the page contains both Dutch and Arabic examples):
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Now the {von} field works for these Arabic prefixes, but there is
> > an issue: There can be no space between 'al-' and what follows
> > (e.g. 'al-Haq'). But the {von} field by default adds a space (von
> > Corbin). So what to do? One solution is to use
> > \setuppublicationlist[vonsep=] (see also attached):
> > 
> [snip, snip]
> > \setuppublicationlist[vonsep=] kills the space after the prefix,
> > but that means that for every 'von', 'van', 'abu', and the like we
> > have to add the space manually in the {von} field (as in the above
> > example).
> > 
> > If we don't want to use \setuppublicationlist[vonsep=] then we have
> > to define a command for 'al-' that gobbles the space:
> > 
> > % \define \GobbleSpace{\ignorespaces}
> > % \define \Al{al-\GobbleSpace}
> > 
> > If one is using lots of Arabic names and few, e.g., Dutch names,
> > then using the [vonsep=] approach seems better. But in the upcoming
> > bib module we may want a better solution so that bbl files can be
> > more consistent and portable. Any thoughts are appreciated, and
> [snip, snip]
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