Am 2015-04-02 um 21:07 schrieb Rik Kabel <>:

> On 2015-04-02 03:42, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
>> while trying to create some interactive forms using latest beta (MkIV), I 
>> found that JavaScripts are only then copied into the PDF, if there’s a \goto 
>> referencing a JS function.
>> According to the old widgets manual I thought I could set default values of 
>> fields calling JS functions or variables as [JS(MyFunc)], but that doesn’t 
>> work.
> Greetlings Hraban,
> This appears to be a pdf reader problem. On Win 8.1, Windows Reader and 
> Chrome both show an editable field; Firefox and Sumatra show a non-editable 
> field.

That’s not the problem, creating fields works great. Since JS works (probably) 
only in Adobe products anyway, I don’t care about other viewers. 

But JavaScript code (within JSpreamble or JScode sections) is only copied by 
ConTeXt into the PDF if there’s a call of \goto to one of the defined JS 
Additionally, calling JS functions for default values of fields doesn’t work 
like it did in MkII (and like it’s documented in m-widgets.pdf).

JS in PDFs is not easy to handle, but ConTeXt should at least copy my code into 
the PDF as it’s documented and used to work in MkII.

Greetlings, Hraban
--- (I'm an assurer)

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