Thakn's Burton,

I'll Try first whit the binary rpm of version 2.2c, and if doesn't work I'll try to install the source rpm and build the binary from source like you said.
I think you will heard from me soon.

Again, Thank's a lot.

- Nando -

Burton M. Strauss III wrote:
Y'all need to do some learning about rpms, so here's a brief course.

RPMs come in two 'flavors', source and binary.

You normally grab the binary (it will be named .i386.rpm or .i486.rpm, etc.)
and install that and away you go.

You download and install the SOURCE rpm (.src.rpm) if you want or need the
source code, for example to build a package with different compile time

Most of the time, a binary .rpm for one version of RedHat will work on other
versions, but that's not always true, especially if the package is dependent
upon things that change from release to release, such as glibc.  It will
usually work UP, not down, that is a dependency on libpng >= 1.2.1 will be
satisfied on a RedHat system that has 1.2.4 installed, but not one that only
has 1.0.14 ...  simple arithmetic, natch.

If the binary rpm fails to install, there are two options.

1. INSTALL the SOURCE rpm and build the binary from source.  In the case of
ntop, that's the instructions in BUILD-ntop.txt.

2. Use the rebuild

The problem with rebuilding is that often the .spec file, which controls the
build has implicit dependencies upon the system layout, version, etc..
That's what you're hitting, the location of the libpcap files seems to have
been shifted and the .spec file has the wrong --with commands in it's
./configure.  Since there's no way to fix it other than editing the spec
file, for an individual user it's just more work than necessary.   That's
why rebuild is always my LAST choice.


-----Original Message-----
Hernando Tovar
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Ntop] libpcap error rebuilding ntop

Burton thank's for your reply,

I tried the 2.2c version of ntop but needs glibc-2.3 which I'm
downloading right now.
You said that I'm mixing methods, I'm confused, ntop-2.2-0.src.rpm is
the SOURCE, but also a RPM, after rebuilding this package do I have to
do what BUILD-ntop.txt said?. Sorry but I don't know of compiling or
rebuilding packages in Linux. There is a way of install ntop from just
an RPM whitout doing all this stuff?.

And I'm compilling as root, so there is not restric access. And the line:


it's ok?, I mean this is the right way?:


Any comments will be well receibe. Thanks.

Burton M. Strauss III wrote:

2.2 is no longer supported.  There is a 2.2c at SourceForge and we're
people to test the cvs version also.

That rpm was probably created on a RH 7.3 system... so I can't vouch for
dependencies in the rpm being 100% accurate on any other RH version.
Remember, when you install a package, there is often a -devel version that
has the header files that must also be installed.  As it happens that's not
true for libpcap (there's no libpcap-devel that I'm aware of)...  you can
always look for the pieces via:

$ locate libpcap
$ locate pcap.h

It ought to work, as /usr/lib is a 'standard' location for ld to resolve
files from and the pcap.h file is where the ntop.spec file says it should
(at least on my system).

Check your file permissions - maybe the userid you're compiling as doesn't
have access to /usr/include/pcap.h???

More to the point, why are you mixing methods?  If you install from an rpm,
you usually install the BINARY package.  If you install the SOURCE, then
should be following the instructions in BUILD-ntop.txt.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 3:50 PM
Subject: [Ntop] libpcap error rebuilding ntop

Hi, I get the ntop-2.2-0.src.rpm package from source forge.

My machine is a Red Hat Linux release 8.0 (Psyche) Kernel 2.4.18-14 on an
i686, it's recently
instaled and have no updates.
The packages I have installed are:

And when I rebuild the ntop package shows this errors:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] NtopRedHat]# rpmbuild --rebuild ntop-2.2-0.src.rpm
Installing ntop-2.2-0.src.rpm
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.55175
+ ./

Testing for libpng 1.0.14 v 1.2.4 conflict

Testing for gcc...


error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.15610 (%build)
   Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.15610 (%build)

************************************************************     *******
* ERROR:    You specified or implied a non-existent directory for
*           libpcap:
*               --with-pcap-root=
*               --with-pcap-lib=
*               --with-pcap-include=/usr/include/pcap
*>>> Continuing without libpcap is impossible.
*???     1. Correct the --with-pcap-xxxxx option and rerun
*???        ./configure
Anybody have an idea for what's going on?, it says "Correct
the --with-pcap-xxxxx option and
rerun", but correct how exactly?. I would be better if I download the RPM
already builded for a
machine with caracteristics like mine? And where I can get it?.
This package : ntop-2.2-0.dag.rh73.i386.rpm from Dag Wheers can work for a
RH 8.0  i686?.

Any sugestion would be apriciate. Thanks.

Hernando Tovar.

P.S. I'm not Linux user at all, this are my first steps so be patience if
this seems dumb questions
for any of you.

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Hernando Tovar Carroll

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Hernando Tovar Carroll

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