Hi, I get the ntop-2.2-0.src.rpm package from source forge.

My machine is a Red Hat Linux release 8.0 (Psyche) Kernel 2.4.18-14 on an i686, it's 
instaled and have no updates.
The packages I have installed are:

And when I rebuild the ntop package shows this errors:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] NtopRedHat]# rpmbuild --rebuild ntop-2.2-0.src.rpm
Installing ntop-2.2-0.src.rpm
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.55175
+ ./buildAll.sh

Testing for libpng 1.0.14 v 1.2.4 conflict

Testing for gcc...


error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.15610 (%build)
    Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.15610 (%build)

************************************************************     *******
* ERROR:    You specified or implied a non-existent directory for
*           libpcap:
*               --with-pcap-root=
*               --with-pcap-lib=
*               --with-pcap-include=/usr/include/pcap
*>>> Continuing without libpcap is impossible.
*???     1. Correct the --with-pcap-xxxxx option and rerun
*???        ./configure
Anybody have an idea for what's going on?, it says "Correct the --with-pcap-xxxxx 
option and
rerun", but correct how exactly?. I would be better if I download the RPM already 
builded for a
machine with caracteristics like mine? And where I can get it?.
This package : ntop-2.2-0.dag.rh73.i386.rpm from Dag Wheers can work for a RH 8.0  

Any sugestion would be apriciate. Thanks.

Hernando Tovar.

P.S. I'm not Linux user at all, this are my first steps so be patience if this seems 
dumb questions
for any of you.

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