A Message from the NTCI Parents Mailing List:

Congratulations to Grade 11 student Kehkashan Basu who was awarded the 
prestigious Turner Social Change prize for her work on environmental 
protection, biodiversity conservation and fighting climate change!
16 year old Kehkashan Basu,  Founder President of  the youth sustainability 
organisation ‎Green Hope, was a proud recipient of the prestigious Turner 
Social Change Prize at ‎a glittering ceremony in Bogota, Colombia on Feb 5th 
during the ongoing 16th World ‎Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates.
During this summit, Kehkashan conducted two workshops for youth during which 
‎she exhorted the critical need to empower young people, especially girls, in 
the ‎sustainability process. Sharing the initiatives of her youth organisation 
Green Hope, ‎Kehkashan said “the sustainable development goals  hold out a 
promise of a ‎sustainable future in which no one will be left behind. But this 
promise will not ‎become a reality unless we set right one fundamental aspect:  
peace. It is time we ‎call on the people of our planet to remember our common 
humanity and join ‎together to build a future free of strife. Let us all join 
hands to end poverty, address ‎climate change, forge equality and ensure access 
to education so that we can create a ‎more peaceful world.”

Report cards were distributed on Thursday, February 9 during Home Form.  All 
students received a progress report for their courses which includes a grade, 
absences and lates.  As this is not a Provincial report card, there are no 
comments or Learning Skills.  Students taking Grade 10 Career Studies (GLC2O) 
or Grade 10 Civics (CHV2O) and some senior dual-credit courses will also 
receive a final Provincial report card for these courses in addition to the 
progress report.  The final report includes your child’s grade, absences, 
lates, comments and Learning Skills.  It is printed on blue paper.
I encourage you to review the report card with your child and discuss areas of 
strong achievement and areas for improvement.  If you wish to discuss your 
child’s results, please contact your child’s teacher.  When you review the 
report card, please pay special attention to the number of absences and lates.  
When we do an analysis of marks relative to absences and lates, we see a direct 
connection between the level of achievement and the degree of absences/lates.

Music News!
Congratulations to our NT Music program on their standing in this year’s 
Kiwanis festival.
Symphonic Band:  2nd place with 86%
Junior Band:  2nd place with 90%
Concerto Competition:  1st place - 93/100 - Platinum placement
Canadian Composers competition:  1st place - 91/100 - Gold placement

Drama News!
North Toronto’s annual event called On Stage Tonight! showcases a one act play, 
Selfie, and other shorter dramatic works on Thurs. Feb. 16.
The event will begin at 7 p.m. and the doors will open at 6:30.
Tickets are $5 and can be purchased in advance during lunches and at the door.
Proceeds from this show will go to support the Maddie Project.

Art News!
An exhibition entitled "How do you Mean?" showcasing plaster body cast 
sculptures will hang in the staff room until March break.  The exhibition is 
created by grade 11 students is highly personal, and deals with topics ranging 
from personal freedoms, divorce, future life goals and racial harmony.
In the Showroom Gallery:   The Body Speaks continues in the Showroom gallery 
daily at lunch: palimpsest (multilayered) drawings looking at personal strength 
and the nature of love through the metaphor of the human body.

PA Day:   Friday, February 17 – no classes

Family Day:  Monday, February 20 – no classes

William Mack
North Toronto Collegiate Institute
17 Broadway Avenue
Toronto, Ontario  M4P 1T7
Tel: (416) 393-9180
Fax: (416) 393-9195

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North Toronto Collegiate Institute
17 Broadway Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M4P 1T7
NTparents mailing list: NTparents@ntci.on.ca


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