I never said they do not deserve the right just that these are our laws for
Americans.  I agree that everyone that wants it should have freedom. I just
don't want to have another stinking trial for non Americans that end with us
feeding them for life in jail (read last trade center bombing) instead of
feeding them to the lions.

Matthew Puckett MCSE, MCP+Internet, MCP 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:54 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: The idiocy continues!

I apologize for adding to this thread but I could not help myself.

Saying that someone who lives outside of our country does not deserve the
same basic rights they we enjoy is pretty much off the mark.  If I remember
correctly our Constitution says "all men are created equal".

Every man, woman, and child should be treated like a human being, no matter
their country of origin.  

Now, I am not saying be nice or even be civil to scum that masterminded the
attacks in NYC.  Personally I would like to see the SOB's head on a pike in
Central Park.

All this is my humble opinion.


-----Original Message-----
From: Puckett, Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:22 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: The idiocy continues!

But lets remember that these rights are for americans only(no offense) and
should not be used to protect the guilty hiding in other countries.  They
are not subject to our rights therefore no need for a trial.

Matthew Puckett MCSE, MCP+Internet, MCP 
Customer Support Analyst 
Sprint PCS
IT Service Delivery 
Bristol Customer Care Center 
1-423-967-3086 - PCS 

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:09 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: The idiocy continues!

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Stuart Tonge wrote:
> What kind of civil liberties?

  For those outside the US, who may not be familiar with our government,
is a bit of a crash course:

  The foundation of our (i.e., the United States of America) government is
our Constitution.  The first ten Amendments to same are called "The Bill of
Rights", and specifically address certain freedoms our government is not
allowed to restrict.  An online copy is here:


  These form such a cornerstone of our political culture that all you have
to do is mention "the First Amendment" and people will know you are talking
about freedom of speech, press, and/or religion.  "I plead the Fifth" is a
common expression meaning "I am not going to answer that, because it might
get me in trouble".

  Whenever there is a major public criminal crisis, there are always those
who advocate restricting these rights in the name of "security" or "need".
They do not seem to understand that the worst kind of crime is that
inflicted by your own government against you.

  In this case, we can expect people to claim:

  - We should punish people without a trial, or even evidence
  - We should punish people who have committed no crimes
  - We should close our borders
  - Police should be able to search anyone at any time without a warrant
  - Police should be able to monitor private communications without a

  Any of the above would violate the Bill of Rights.

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