On Tue, 10 Apr 2018 10:03:06 -0700, Nathan Goldbaum wrote:
> You may want to explore other venues for this sort of feedback, e.g. a
> SciPy BoF session, which will capture a different subset of the
> community.

Thanks for the suggestion, Nathan.  We are coordinating with SciPy2018
to have both a BoF and sprint at the end of the conference.

On Tue, 10 Apr 2018 18:05:14 +0100, Matthew Brett wrote:
> How about weekly open developer hangouts, recorded, to keep it all
> public?

Thanks for that idea, Matthew.  While we are ramping up, there's a lot
of noise in sorting things out.  So how about we do dedicated monthly
hangouts, where everyone can weigh in on the discussion, and where the
signal-to-noise ratio is higher for interested parties?

We are tracking all work items here on Trello:


(Of course, a lot happens directly on NumPy issues too, but this board
is for publicly tracking "work to support the work").

Best regards,
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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