Hi Zach

Attached is some code for removing radial distortion from images.  It
shows how to draw lines based on user input using matplotlib.  It is
not suited for a big application, but useful for demonstrations.

Try it on



On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 11:59:05PM -0500, Zachary Pincus wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! All very informative and most  
> helpful.
> For what it's worth, here's my application: I'm building a tool for  
> image processing which needs some manual input in a few places (e.g.  
> user draws a few lines). The images are greyscale images with 12-14  
> bits of dynamic range (from a microscope), so I need to have some  
> basic brightness/contrast/gamma controls, as well as allowing basic  
> drawing on the image to get the needed user input. It looks like GL  
> or wx will be best suited here, I think? (I presume that python/numpy/ 
> [GL|wx] can keep up with things like dragging a slider to change  
> brightness/contrast/other LUT changes, as long as I code reasonably.)
> Anyhow, thanks for all the input,
> Zach
"""Remove radial distortion.

Author: Stefan van der Walt
Date: 2006

import scipy as S
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.ndimage

import pylab as P
import numpy as N
import math
import sys

class RadialDistortionInterface:
    """Mouse interaction interface for radial distortion removal.
    def __init__(self, img):
      imshape = img.shape
      self.figure = P.imshow(img, extent=(0,imshape[1],imshape[0],0))
      P.title('Removal of radial distortion')
      P.xlabel('Select sets of three points with left mouse button,\nclick right button to process.')
      P.connect('button_press_event', self.button_press)
      P.connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move)

      self.img = N.atleast_3d(img)
      self.points = []
      self.centre = ((N.array(self.img.shape)-1)/2.)[:2][::-1]
      self.height = imshape[0]
      self.width = imshape[1]

    def make_cursorline(self):
        self.cursorline, = P.plot([0],[0],'r:+',

    def button_press(self,event):
        """Register mouse clicks.
        if (event.button == 1 and event.xdata and event.ydata):
            print "Coordinate entered: (%f,%f)" % (event.xdata, event.ydata)
            if len(self.points) % 3 == 0:

        if (event.button != 1 and len(self.points) >= 3):
            print "Removing distortion..."
            P.gca().lines = []
            self.points = []
    def mouse_move(self,event):
        """Handle cursor drawing.
        pt_sets,pts_last_set = divmod(len(self.points),3)
        pts = N.zeros((3,2))
        if pts_last_set > 0:
            # Line follows up to 3 clicked points:
            pts[:pts_last_set] = self.points[-pts_last_set:]
            # The last point of the line follows the mouse cursor
        pts[pts_last_set:] = [event.xdata,event.ydata]

    def stackcopy(self,a,b):
        """a[:,:,0] = a[:,:,1] = ... = b"""
        if a.ndim == 3:
            a.transpose().swapaxes(1,2)[:] = b
            a[:] = b
    def remove_distortion(self,reshape=True):
        def radii_tf(x,y,p):
            """Radially distort coordinates.
            Given a coordinate (x,y), apply the radial distortion defined by
            L(r) = 1 + p[2]r + p[3]r^2 + p[4]r^3

            r = sqrt((x-p[0])^2 + (y-p[1])^2)
            so that
            x' = L(r)x   and   y' = L(r)y
                x,y -- Coordinate
                p[0],p[1] -- Distortion centre
                p[2],p[3],p[4] -- Distortion parameters
                x', y'
            x = x - p[0]
            y = y - p[1]
            r = N.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
            f = 1 + p[2]*r + p[3]*r**2 + p[4]*r**3                
            return x*f + p[0], y*f + p[1]

        def height_difference(p):
            """Measure deviation of distorted data points from straight line.
            out = 0
            for sets in 3*N.arange(len(self.points)/3):
                pts = N.array(self.points[sets:sets+3])
                x,y = radii_tf(pts[:,0],pts[:,1],p)

                # Find point on line (point0 <-> point2) closest to point1 (midpoint)
                u0 = ((x[0]-x[2])**2 + (y[0]-y[2])**2)
                if u0 == 0:
                    return 1

                u = ((x[1]-x[0])*(x[2]-x[0]) + (y[1] - y[0])*(y[2] - y[0]))/u0

                # Intersection point
                ip_x = x[0] + u*(x[2]-x[0])
                ip_y = y[0] + u*(y[2]-y[0])

                # Distance between line and midpoint
                out += (ip_x - x[1])**2 + (ip_y - y[1])**2
            return out

        # Find the distortion parameters for which the data points lie on a straight line
        rc = S.optimize.fmin(height_difference,[self.centre[0],self.centre[1],0.,0.,0.])

        # Determine inverse coefficient
        x = N.linspace(0,self.width)
        y = N.linspace(0,self.height)
        def inv_min(p):
            xt, yt = radii_tf(*(radii_tf(x,y,rc) + (p,)))
            return N.sum((x-xt)**2 + (y-yt)**2)
        rci = S.optimize.fmin(inv_min,[rc[0],rc[1],0.,0.,0.])

        # Perform reverse transformation on coordinates
        oshape = N.array(self.img.shape)        
        if reshape:
            top_corner = N.array(radii_tf(0.,0.,rc))
            bottom_corner = N.array(radii_tf(self.width-1,self.height-1,rc))
            oshape[:2][::-1] = bottom_corner - top_corner

        y,x = N.mgrid[0:oshape[0],0:oshape[1]]

        if reshape:
            x += top_corner[0]
            y += top_corner[1]
            rc[0] -= top_corner[0]
            rc[1] -= top_corner[1]
        # Calculate reverse coordinates
        x,y = radii_tf(x,y,rci)

        coords = N.empty(N.r_[3,oshape],dtype=float)
        # y mapping

        # x mapping

        # colour band mapping
        coords[2,...] = range(self.img.shape[2])

        restored_img = S.ndimage.map_coordinates(self.img,coords,order=1,prefilter=False).squeeze()


        # Plot forward and reverse transforms        
        x = N.linspace(self.width/2,self.width)
        y = N.linspace(self.height/2,self.height)
        r = N.sqrt((x-self.centre[0])**2 + (y-self.centre[1])**2)
        xr,yr = radii_tf(x,y,rc)
        xri,yri = radii_tf(x,y,rci)
        rf = N.sqrt(xr**2 + yr**2)
        rr = N.sqrt(xri**2 + yri**2)

        a = P.axes([0.15,.15,.15,.15])
        P.plot(r,rf,label='Forward mapping')
        P.plot(r,rr,':',label='Reverse mapping')
        #P.xlabel('Input radius')
        #P.ylabel('Transformed radius')

imread = S.misc.pilutil.imread

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print "Usage: %s <image-file>" % sys.argv[0]
    img = imread(sys.argv[1])
    rdi = RadialDistortionInterface(img)
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