On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Ralf Gommers
<ralf.gomm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> For numpy 1.5.0 no one has yet said they have urgent changes that need to go
> in. If you do, please reply with the what and why. If nothing big has to go
> in, I propose the following release schedule:
> Aug 1 : beta 1
> Aug 15: rc 1
> Aug 22: rc 2
> Aug 29: release
> Please note that the branch has been created already, so no new features
> should go in anymore.
> If you have urgent tickets, please let's hear those as well. My small
> laundry list is pasted below.

While perhaps not urgent, I would like to see the small patch in this
ticket applied.


It adds a deprecation warning for structured arrays so that we can
move towards fields being returned in the order they are asked for
rather than the order in which they are in the array.  I think the
original implementation was an oversight, and the change gives the
behavior that most people would expect.

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