On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 3:38 AM, Pauli Virtanen <p...@iki.fi> wrote:

> Mon, 26 Jul 2010 23:58:11 +0800, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> > For numpy 1.5.0 no one has yet said they have urgent changes that need
> > to go in. If you do, please reply with the what and why. If nothing big
> > has to go in, I propose the following release schedule:
> >
> > Aug 1 : beta 1
> > Aug 15: rc 1
> > Aug 22: rc 2
> > Aug 29: release
> Seems OK. I don't remember any big changes that would still be needed.
> One low-hanging fruit to fix could be np.fromfile raising MemoryError
> when it encounters EOF, and other bugs in that part of the code.
Another "low-hanging fruit" although I don't think a ticket was made for
this was the issue I raised a few weeks ago regarding numpy.loadtxt().
Quick summary: if someone has been using np.loadtxt for reading multi-line
and multi-column text files (thereby getting a 2-D array), and then when
they encounter a single-line multi-column file, they get a 1-D array due to
the squeeze() function.  Also, zero-length files throw exceptions (but I am
not completely worried about this right now).

While this isn't an easy thing to fix without breaking compatibility, I
still think that adding a keyword "mindims" to specify the minimum number of
dimensions to return would 1) address the issue at hand, and 2) raise
awareness of the issue among users by having documentation for the mindims
keyword.  To maintain backwards compatibility, we can set it to zero by

Just my 2 cents.

Ben Root
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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