On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Alan G Isaac <alan.is...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/20/2010 9:41 PM, josef.p...@gmail.com wrote:
>> python has it in random
>> sample( population, k)
> Yes, I mentioned this in my original post:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/numpy-discussion@scipy.org/msg29324.html
> But good simulation practice is perhaps to seed
> a simulation specific random number generator
> (not just rely on a global), and I don't want
> to pass around two different instances.
> So I want to get this functionality from numpy.random.

Sorry, I was reading to fast, and I might be tired.

What's the difference between a numpy Random and a python
random.Random instance of separate states of the random number


> Which reminds me of another question.
> numpy.random.RandomState accepts an int array as a seed:
> what is the *intended* use?
> Thanks,
> Alan
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