
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Travis Oliphant <tra...@continuum.io> wrote:
>> Do you agree that Numpy has not been very successful in recruiting and
>> maintaining new developers compared to its large user-base?
>> Compared to - say - Sympy?
>> Why do you think this is?
> I think it's mostly because it's infrastructure that is a means to an end.   
> I certainly wasn't excited to have to work on NumPy originally, when my main 
> interest was SciPy.    I've come to love the interesting plateau that NumPy 
> lives on.    But, I think it mostly does the job it is supposed to do.     
> The fact that it is in C is also not very sexy.   It is also rather 
> complicated with a lot of inter-related parts.
> I think NumPy could do much, much more --- but getting there is going to be a 
> challenge of execution and education.
> You can get to know the code base.  It just takes some time and patience.   
> You also have to be comfortable with compilers and building software just to 
> tweak the code.
>> Would you consider asking that question directly on list and asking
>> for the most honest possible answers?
> I'm always interested in honest answers and welcome any sincere perspective.

Of course, there are potential explanations:

1) Numpy is too low-level for most people
2) The C code is too complicated
3) It's fine already, more or less

are some obvious ones. I would say there are the easy answers. But of
course, the easy answer may not be the right answer. It may not be
easy to get right answer [1].   As you can see from Alan Isaac's reply
on this thread, even asking the question can be taken as being in bad
faith.  In that situation, I think you'll find it hard to get sincere



[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_to_Great
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