Ran with gdb:

gdb /lib/nut/usbhid-ups

run -u nut -a nailbunny -x bus=010 -x vendorid=0764 -x productid=0501 -DDDDD

Same result as when I ran normally.  Driver just stops communicating with no 
errors or messages in the logs.  Not sure where to go from here as I'm not 
seeing anything to follow up on.

From: Daniel Shields <grungeliza...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 12:02 AM
To: Charles Lepple
Cc: nut-upsuser@lists. alioth. debian. org
Subject: Re: [Nut-upsuser] Data Stale at random intervals

Just an update, these messages are in the syslog when nut is no longer able to 
communicate with the server:

Oct 14 01:41:59 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:42:04 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:42:09 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:42:14 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:42:19 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:42:19 golgotha upsmon[1300]: UPS nailbunny@localhost is unavailable
Oct 14 01:42:24 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:42:29 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:42:34 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:42:39 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:42:41 golgotha upsd[1267]: Send ping to UPS [nailbunny] failed: 
Resource temporarily unavailable
Oct 14 01:42:43 golgotha upsd[1267]: Connected to UPS [nailbunny]: 
Oct 14 01:42:44 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Communications with UPS 
nailbunny@localhost established
Oct 14 01:42:59 golgotha upsd[1267]: Data for UPS [nailbunny] is stale - check 
Oct 14 01:43:04 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:43:04 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Communications with UPS 
nailbunny@localhost lost
Oct 14 01:43:09 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:43:14 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale
Oct 14 01:43:19 golgotha upsmon[1300]: Poll UPS [nailbunny@localhost] failed - 
Data stale

The server reconnects, but can't communicate due to the Data Stale.  I get the 
same result from trying to restart the nut-server service manually.  I have to 
stop and restart the service and it will work for a couple hours up to ~ 24 

From: Daniel Shields <grungeliza...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 2:19 PM
To: Charles Lepple
Cc: nut-upsuser@lists. alioth. debian. org
Subject: Re: [Nut-upsuser] Data Stale at random intervals

Here are the results of a restart as well as a stop/start.  Seems like it may 
be the server?  I tried to run the nut-server service with gdb, but no luck 
getting it to work so far.  Thanks!

From: Charles Lepple <clep...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 8:20 PM
To: Daniel Shields
Cc: nut-upsuser@lists. alioth. debian. org
Subject: Re: [Nut-upsuser] Data Stale at random intervals

On Oct 12, 2016, at 8:13 PM, Daniel Shields <grungeliza...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Wow.  Okay, well I let the debug run all day.  Nothing in the logs even with 
> debug cranked to level 5.  Attached are the last 1000 lines before it quit.  
> I'm really stumped now.

gzipped and resent for the rest of the list.

Can you elaborate on how it quit? I don't see any error messages to that effect.

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