On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Paul Robinson <p...@32moves.com> wrote:
> On 19 Jul 2013, at 21:01, Graham Ashton <gra...@effectif.com> wrote:
>> Cucumber is the most expensive (to use, in actual pounds) testing framework 
>> I've seen since Fitnesse. It doesn't do anything that can't be done more 
>> cheaply test-unit. Not a thing.
> [citation needed] - Show us hard numbers. That doesn't tally with my 
> experience (or that of many others), of people who are using Cucumber for the 
> right part of the right job.

I have worked on large Rails projects where (use of) Cucumber was the
bottleneck. I have worked with very well-written Gherkin and very
badly-written Gherkin, and that factor seemed to make little
difference. The well-written Gherkin takes a lot of effort to get
right, and the badly-written Gherkin cost a lot of effort when change
occurs. And in both cases, the quality of the code design inside the
step definitions can dominate all other factors in the project.

That said, I think Gherkin is an important tool for focussing the
conversation.  But I don't feel I have to, or indeed should automate
it all. And when I do automate some of it, I'm currently trying out
Turnip and Jim Weirich's rspec-given.

For the record, I am 100% committed to test-driven development. And I
am also convinced that TDD has to come with great code design, or else
it makes you worse (ie. slower).
http://xpsurgery.com -- remote one-to-one tutoring in TDD and OO
http://kevinrutherford.co.uk -- software development coaching
http://refactoringinruby.info -- Refactoring in Ruby, the book

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