As Jose notes, Bank Swallows are pretty versatile breeders and will take 
advantage of vertical scarps along the ocean beaches, when these form from time 
to time (they nested in such a setting at Cupsogue back in 2007). But apart 
from these occasional occurrences, they tend to be completely absent from the 
sandy outer beaches during the breeding season. This absence, in conjunction 
with their great overall abundance and mobility, makes them an excellent 
indicator species of diurnal landbird migration in late spring and early 
"fall." Thus, in late May, they prove even more convincingly than the similarly 
late-migrating Barn Swallows that northbound migration* continues long past the 
dates when local breeders are already far along in their schedules. And in 
July, they illustrate the early start to southbound migration. During our 
birding this weekend at places like Fire Island Inlet, Cupsogue, and 
Shinnecock, we repeatedly observed migrating Bank Swallows. I would predict 
that tomorrow's northwesterly winds should produce flights of hundreds or 
thousands of Bank and Barn Swallows, as well as locally good numbers of Cliff 
Swallows, along Long Island's outer beaches. Purple Martins and even a few 
Rough-winged Swallows might also be on the move, but note that the last species 
is quite scarce on the barrier beach, even in big swallow flights, and is 
perennially one of the most misidentified species in this context. Depending on 
when the front passes, we might also see nocturnal migrants, such as warblers, 
gnatcatchers, RB Nuthatches, and icterids tomorrow as well.

An example from this date four years ago:

*Curiously, in spring, northbound swallows are almost always observed flying 
east to west here!

Shai Mitra
Bay Shore
[] on behalf of Jose Ramirez-Garofalo 
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 11:14 AM
To: Joshua Malbin
Cc: Andrew Baksh; nysbirds-l
Subject: Re: [nysbirds-l] East Pond ( & Breezy Point Queens Co...

Hi all-

Bank Swallows have been nesting on the Bayside beach in some numbers since at 
least last year. I think we may band them before the summer is over-


On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 11:09 Joshua Malbin 
<<>> wrote:
I think Bank Swallows are nesting at Breezy Point. I saw a few going into 
burrows on the bay side about halfway back from the jetty a couple of weeks ago.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 11:03 AM Andrew Baksh 
<<>> wrote:
Yesterday morning, I hiked the East Pond doing a complete shorebird survey. 
Overall, the number of shorebirds were down. Especially the Yellowlegs and 
Short-billed Dowitchers.

12 Stilt Sandpipers were mostly up around the north end along with my first 
observation of Semipalmated Plovers on the pond for the season. American 
Oystercatchers continue to show up on the pond in good numbers. 27 were loafing 
on the Raunt before taking off as I made my way north.

The duckage continue to hold a few Summer surprises. Green-winged Teal, 
American Wigeon and RED-BREASTED MERGANSER were all observed.

Two continuing BONAPARTE’s GULLS were also seen comfortably feeding on the pond 

On Sunday 7-15) at Breezy Point the highlights were two storm driven WHIMBRELS 
(put down in the rain & left just as the rain paused), two 2CY Lesser 
Black-backed Gulls, 1 Banded Adult Herring Gull and two BANK SWALLOWS.

Also notable was a juvenile Ring-billed Gull (RBGU). I have not seen too many 
juvenile RBGU at Breezy so that was a treat. This one I would deem to be the 
brown-type. Where the general appearance is of a brown chocolate color showing 
the distinctive feature of large scapulars with solidly dark centers.

About 1,000 Sanderlings dotted the shoreline along with Semipalmated 
Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers and Semipalmated Plovers. Some Piping Plovers were 
also active with a few juveniles indicating successful nesting.

A decent number of Terns (few hundred) were offshore but nothing outside of the 
expected Common, Forster’s and Leasts in various age classes.

A link to Phone scoped images of the Lesser Black-backed Gulls.


"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of 
others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence." ~ Frederick 

�L Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain
Sun Tzu<>  The Art of 

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Andrew Baksh<>
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José Ramírez-Garofalo

Research Assistant
College of Staten Island
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