When I opened my front door to get my newspaper at about 8:00am, there was an 
Ovenbird and a Magnolia Warbler in the tree just 15 feet away. In my yard was 
another Ovenbird, so I knew we had some good movement into the park.

I rushed home from my appointment and began birding at about 10:30am. The light 
was poor then, but the trees near Turtle Cove were full of warblers. There were 
several Parulas, Black-throated Green, Yellow Warblers, many Yellow-rumps, a 
Magnolia. In the same tree were both Orchard and Baltimore Oriole, Warbling 
Vireos, Goldfinches. There were too many birds for this one birder to see and 
ID all at once. Nearby, Greater Yellowlegs were in the puddles near Orchard 
Beach along with a Solitary Sandpiper. House finches, Savannah, Song and 
Chipping Sparrows were flitting on the grass.  There were multiple Tree and 
Northern Rough-wing swallows and a nearby Killdeer doing its wounded wing 

I was thinking how there were probably 150 birders in Central Park this 
morning, and I was likely only person birding the city’s largest park. 

How many more species would be found here with some more birders? 

Come visit!

Jack Rothman
cityislandbirds.com <http://cityislandbirds.com/>


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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