
Am 04.07.2012 um 14:37 schrieb Michael Dürig:

> - HTTP bindings (OAK-103, OAK-104)
>   * Provide extension points for Sling to hook into. (See also the 
> discussion on @oak-dev: http://markmail.org/message/tzpbxf5zduybezya.)

Just to clarify my thoughts here: HTTP Bindings make sense but only to be able 
to support remoting between the Oak core and Oak-JCR layers. As such the 
bindings replicate the Oak API over HTTP. Nothing else.

Specifically, applications should not be invited and encouraged to leverage 
these bindings.

As such, Sling couldn't care less for these bindings, because Sling sticks to 
the JCR API.


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