hi michael

thanks for the info

Note that createBlobd() is very much the same as the
getCoreValueFactory() method, which it replaced.

yes, i am aware of this... the reason why i don't like
the method on contentsession has nothing to do with the
'what-it-does' but rather the fact i IMO it wasn't
the responsibility of a contentsession to deal with binary
values when at the other hand we have all value handling
separated out to a ValueFactory(Impl).

kind regards


On 19.10.12 8:54, Angela Schreiber wrote:
hi all

recent the ContentSession interface got a new method

   Blob createBlob(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException;

this there is no TODO comment associated with it i assume
that is intended to stay... however, it feels a bit odd to
me having that method on the content session interface and
i don't see how and why a regular API consumer of the
ContentSession would need/use this.

currently the only usage of the method is in a private
method on ValueFactoryImpl, which for that very purpose
needs to have the content session passed to the constructor
but doesn't otherwise need access to the content session
at all...

imo that should be reviewed again.

kind regards

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