
To get a better understanding about the nature of remote calls being made
to Mongo from Oak code I have modified the mongo java driver [1] to log
details of calls being made through it along with time taken. To make use
of that following steps would be required

A. Build forked driver code

$ git clone https://github.com/chetanmeh/mongo-java-driver.git
$ cd mongo-java-driver
$ git checkout tracer
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests

This would install the modified version of the driver to local maven repo.

B. Use the modified build
Modify the pom.xml of the module and change the version to

C. Change log settings
Update the <module>/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml to enable debug
logs for following category

 <logger name="com.mongodb.DBPort" level="DEBUG" />

Run the testcase now and you should be able to see query logs as shown below

16:28:53.415  Request : Id: 11 (0 ms) OP_QUERY, { "getlasterror" : 1}
16:28:53.417  Request : Id: 12 (0 ms) OP_QUERY, [NODES] { "_id" : "1:/test"}
16:28:53.419  Request : Id: 13 (0 ms) OP_INSERT, [NODES]
16:28:53.420  Request : Id: 14 (1 ms) OP_QUERY, { "getlasterror" : 1}
16:28:53.421  Request : Id: 15 (0 ms) OP_INSERT, [NODES]
16:28:53.422  Request : Id: 16 (0 ms) OP_QUERY, { "getlasterror" : 1}
16:28:53.424  Request : Id: 17 (0 ms) OP_QUERY, [NODES] { "_id" : "1:/test"}
16:28:53.429  Request : Id: 18 (1 ms) OP_QUERY, [NODES] { "_id" : { "$gte"
: "1:/" , "$lt" : "2:/"}}
16:28:53.433  Request : Id: 19 (1 ms) OP_QUERY, [NODES] { "_id" : { "$gte"
: "2:/test/" , "$lt" : "3:/test/"}}

This might help someone to make some sense of type of calls being performed

Chetan Mehrotra

[1] https://github.com/chetanmeh/mongo-java-driver/compare/tracer

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