
Currently we are storing blobs by breaking them into small chunks and
then storing those chunks in MongoDB as part of blobs collection. This
approach would cause issues as Mongo maintains a global exclusive
write locks on a per database level [1]. So even writing multiple
small chunks of say 2 MB each would lead to write lock contention.

Mongo also provides GridFS[2]. However it also uses a similar strategy
like we are currently using and such a support is built into the
Driver. For server they are just collection entries.

So to minimize contentions for write locks for uses cases where big
assets are being stored in Oak we can opt for following strategies

1. Store the blobs collection in a different database. As Mongo write
locks [1] are taken per db level then storing the blobs in different
db would allow the read/write of node data (majority usecase) to

2. For more asset/binary heavy usecase use a separate database server
itself to server the binaries.

3. Bring back the JR2 DataStore implementation and just save metadata
related to binaries in Mongo. We already have S3 based implementation
there and they would continue to work with Oak also

Chetan Mehrotra
[2] http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/gridfs/

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