hi francesco,

in our offline meeting, we discussed revisions. i think the generic
description should also mention the concept of the "last" revision. and
we had the idea that any read could report which revision the answer is
based on - this would allow to save one roundtrip to get the current
revision. in http this could be a custom HTTP header, or it could be
part of the response payload.


On 03.02.2015 17:43, Francesco Mari wrote:
> I created a couple of pages in the Jackrabbit wiki. The first [1] is
> the generic description of the operations that you probably already
> read, The second [2] is a draft of the REST API that exposes the
> concepts exposed in [1] using HTTP as a transport protocol.
> Any feedback is welcome.
> [1]: https://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/frm/RemoteOperations
> [2]: https://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/frm/HttpOperations
> 2015-02-02 17:34 GMT+01:00 Francesco Mari <mari.france...@gmail.com>:
>> I am currently working on a REST API, that looks similar to what you
>> are proposing. I should have something to show really soon.
>> 2015-02-02 15:33 GMT+01:00 Axel Hanikel <ahani...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I’m not sure if I have enough background to participate in the discussion,
>>> so bear with me...
>>> I think it wouldn’t be too hard to translate oak operations to an
>>> HTTP-based API, if we just define some URLs as “special”, i.e. they don’t
>>> represent the corresponding node in the repo but have special semantics.
>>> For example, /sessions could represent sessions or transactions, which have
>>> to be committed or discarded, or which are discarded automatically after
>>> they expire.
>>> Below are some example requests (responses are: status code - response
>>> header; everything after # is a comment):
>>> Req:        GET / # Get current revision
>>> Resp:       302 - Location: /revisions/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc
>>> Req:        GET /sessions
>>> Resp:       302 - Location: /sessions/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc
>>> # possibly several location headers if more than one session available for
>>> the user (if we want to allow that)
>>>             204 - # No sessions
>>> Req:        POST /sessions # start a new session
>>> Resp:       201 - Location: /sessions/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc
>>> Req:        PUT /sessions/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc # Commit
>>> session
>>> Resp:       201 - Location: /revisions/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc
>>> # Success
>>>             409 - # Merge conflict
>>>             ...
>>> Req:        GET /some/path # read a node (the node’s current value)
>>> Req:        GET /sessions/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc/some/path #
>>> read the same node’s value at the time the session was created
>>> Req:        GET /some/path/@prop # read a node’s property
>>> Req:        PUT /some/path/@prop # create or replace property “prop” and
>>> commit immediately
>>> Req:        PUT
>>> /sessions/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc/some/path/@prop # create or
>>> replace property “prop” within the session
>>> Req:        DELETE /sessions/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc # discard
>>> a session
>>> Req:        GET
>>> /revisions/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc/path/to/node # read a
>>> revision
>>> Req:        GET
>>> /trees/12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456789abc/path/to/root/of/subtree # read
>>> a tree, output format can be json or anything, depending on Accept header.
>>> Range header could limit output.
>>> Authentication is done in the usual HTTP way.
>>> WDYT?
>>>     Axel
>>> PS: The "special nodes" are probably better named
>>> "/jcr:system/remote/{sessions,revisions,trees}"

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