On 23.3.15 11:03 , Stefan Egli wrote:
Going one step further we could also discuss to completely moving the
handling of the 'observation queues' to an actual messaging system.
Whether this would be embedded to an oak instance or whether it would be
shared between instances in an oak cluster might be a different question
(the embedded variant would have less implication on the overall oak
model, esp also timing-wise). But the observation model quite exactly
matches the publish-subscribe semantics - it actually matches pub-sub more
than it fits into the 'cache semantics' to me.

Definitely something to try out, given someone find the time for it. ;-) Mind you that some time ago I implemented persisting events to Apache Kafka [1], which wasn't greeted with great enthusiasm though...

OTOH the same concern regarding pushing the bottleneck to IO applies here. Furthermore filtering the persisted events through access control is something we need yet to figure out as AC is a) sessions scoped and b) depends on the tree hierarchy.


[1] https://github.com/mduerig/oak-kafka

.. just saying ..

On 3/23/15 10:47 AM, "Michael Dürig" <mdue...@apache.org> wrote:

On 23.3.15 5:04 , Chetan Mehrotra wrote:
B - Proposed Changes

1. Move the notion of listening to local events to Observer level - So
any new change detected we only push the change to a given queue if its
local and bounded listener is only interested in local. Currently we
all changes which later do get filter out but we avoid doing that first
level itself and keep queue content limited to local changes only

I think there is no change needed in the Observer API itself as you can
already figure out from the passed CommitInfo whether a commit is
external or not. BTW please take care with the term "local" as there is
also the concept of "session local" commits.

2. Attach the calculated diff as part of commit info which is attached
the given change. This would allow eliminating the chances of the cache
miss altogether and would ensure observation is not delayed due to slow
processing of diff. This can be done on best effort basis if the diff
is to
large then we do not attach it and in that case we diff again

3. For listener which are only interested in local events we can use a
different queue size limit i.e. allow larger queues for such listener.

Later we can also look into using a journal (or persistent queue) for
event processing.

Definitely something to try out. A few points to consider:

* There doesn't seem to be too much of a difference to me whether this
is routed via a cache or directly attached to commits. In wither way it
adds additional memory requirements and churn, which need to be managed.

* When introducing persisted queuing we need to be careful not to just
move the bottleneck to IO.

* An eventual implementation should not break the fundamental design.
Either hide it in the implementation or find a clean way to put this
into the overall design.


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