
Off late I have seen quite a few queries from people trying to use Oak
in non OSGi environment like embedding repository in a webapp deployed
on Tomcat or just in standalone application. Our current documented
way [1] is very limited and repository constructed in such a way does
not expose the full power of Oak stack and user also has to know many
internal setup details of Oak to get it working correctly.

Quite a bit of setup logic in Oak is now dependent on OSGi
configuration. Trying to setup Oak without using those would not
provide a stable and performant setup. Instead of that if we can have
a way to reuse all the OSGi based setup support and still enable users
to use Oak in non OSGi env then that would provide a more stable setup


For past sometime I have been working on oak-pojosr module [2]. This
module can now stable and can be used to setup Oak with all the OSGi
support in a non OSGi world like webapp. For an end user the steps
required would be

1. Create a config file for enabling various parts of Oak

"org.apache.felix.jaas.Configuration.factory-LoginModuleImpl": {
    "jaas.controlFlag": "required",
    "jaas.ranking": 100
"org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.osgi.RepositoryManager": {},
"org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService" : {
    "mongouri" : "mongodb://${mongodb.host}:${mongodb.port}",
    "db" : "${mongodb.name}"

2. Add dependency to oak-pojosr and thus include various transitive
dependencies like Felix Connect, SCR, ConfigAdmin etc

3. Construct a repository instance

import org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.JcrUtils;

Map<String,String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();
config.put("org.apache.jackrabbit.repository.home", "/path/to/repo");

Repository repository = JcrUtils.getRepository(config);

Thats all! This would construct a full stack Oak based on OSGi config
with all Lucene, Solr support usable.



I have adapted the existing Jackrabbit Webapp module to work with Oak
and be constructed based on oak-pojor [3]. You can check out the app
and just run

> mvn jetty:run

Access the webui at http://localhost:8080 and create a repository as
per UI. It currently has following features

1. Repository is configurable via a JSON file copies to 'oak' folder (default)

2. Felix WebConsole is integrated - Allows developer to view OSGi
state and config etc
    Check /osgi/system/console

3. Felix Script Console integrated to get programatic access to repository

4. All Oak MBean registered and can be used by user to perform
maintainence tasks

Spring Boot

Clay has been working a Oak based application [4] which uses Spring
Boot [7]. The fork of the same at [5] is now using pojosr to configure
a repository to be used in Spring [6]. In addition again Felix
WebConsole etc would also work

To try it out checkout the application and build it. Then run following command

> java -jar target/com.meta64.mobile-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --jcrHome=oak 
> --jcrAdminPassword=password --aeskey=password --server.port=8990 
> --spring.config.location=classpath:/application.properties,classpath:/application-dev.properties

And then access the app at 8990 port


Do share your feedback around above proposed approach. In particular
following aspect

Q - Should we make oak-pojosr based setup as one of the
recommended/supported approach for configuring Oak in non OSGi env

Chetan Mehrotra
[1] http://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/construct.html
[2] https://github.com/apache/jackrabbit-oak/tree/trunk/oak-pojosr
[3] https://github.com/apache/jackrabbit-oak/tree/trunk/oak-examples/webapp
[4] https://github.com/Clay-Ferguson/meta64
[5] https://github.com/chetanmeh/meta64/tree/oak-pojosr
[7] http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/

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