
One more thing. The “upgrade" command requires a lot of Maven dependencies 
(Amazon API client for the S3 support, Jackrabbit 2 for the repository 
upgrades, etc.) Some of these dependencies conflicts with the Oak modules (eg. 
Jackrabbit 2 uses older lucene-core than the oak-lucene and the new version is 
not backward-compatible). Because of that, the dependency management in the 
oak-run module is complicated - even before my patch there is a separate 
profile for building the project using Jackrabbit 2 dependencies and there are 
also two assembly files building the normal jar and the “jackrabbit 2” jar.

I think we should extract the upgrade command to a separate Maven module (eg. 
oak-migrator or oak-upgrade-tool). This way we can precisely define what are 
the required dependencies and we don’t need to care if they are compatible with 
other oak-run commands.

Any objections? :)

Best regards,

On 02/09/15 14:58, "Tomek Rekawek" <reka...@adobe.com> wrote:

>I created a pull request [1] for the OAK-2171 [2]. It exposes all features 
>added recently to the oak-upgrade module (version history copy, filtering 
>paths) as well as all migration paths (eg. mongo -> rdb) in the oak-run 
>upgrade command. There are also tests. Looking forward to feedback :)
>Best regards,
>[1] https://github.com/apache/jackrabbit-oak/pull/38
>[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OAK-2171
>Tomek Rękawek | Adobe Research | www.adobe.com

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