+1 to the idea. Additionally, we can probably setup a query to find issues
marked resolved in 1.4 while releasing and set fixForVersion according to
release being prepared.

(sent from mobile)
On 07-Dec-2015 7:25 pm, "Davide Giannella" <dav...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hello team,
> would it be a problem for anyone if we start a new process of not
> setting a fixVersion like 1.3.12 but setting such specific version only
> when we actually fix or are (almost) sure to be able to fix the issue
> before the release?
> This is to ease the release process by having not to update every time a
> bunch of issues for fixVersion.
> The process I'm proposing is:
> - fixVersion = 1.4
> - fix it
> - fixVersion = 1.3.x
> If no objections, can you please take care of your own issues by
> removing 1.3.13 and leaving 1.4?
> By having 1.4 will have it showing up in the Oak board anyhow.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=20
> Cheers
> Davide

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