1. Do nothing, we don't need Windows coverage.

I believe we do need it.

Not only because people might actually use, but also because failures on
Windows can be symptoms of problems that could occur on other platforms
as well. Such as:

- incorrect assumptions about system timers ("System.currentTimeMillis()
surely will have changed during this call" -- dangerous with systems
getting faster and faster)


- "being able to delete the file is sufficient" -- no, it's not, the
file handle might still be open...


2. Try to enable it again and involve with the Apache infra team to see
what options we have to speed things up.

Is that a big issue if we decouple the CI builds from the Linux ones?

Not if there is an easy way to copy the configuration of the existing build matrix. However, my expectations for this working is quite low. But you are right, let's try first and complain later ;-)


3. Move (some of) the CI builds to different systems (which might not be
publicly available).

...as a last resort...

Best regards, Julian

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