I have heard reports of a case of the wrong version of oak-run causing
problems in a repository. I dont have the details, but it sounds like the
core not starting on a repo unless it was in a safe known range might be a
usefull safety check. Could be good to enable it to force starting via a
system property.

Should I open an OAK issue to track this requirement ?

Best Regards

On 30 June 2016 at 10:48, Julian Reschke <julian.resc...@gmx.de> wrote:

> On 2016-06-30 10:53, Ian Boston wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does Oak core check the persisted repository version to make certain it
>> fits in a range that is compatible with the code being run ?
>> If it doesn't already, I think it should to avoid something like the wrong
>> version of oak-run being used potentially damaging the repository.
>> Best Regards
>> Ian
> To do this properly, we probably need to check on different layers. For
> instance, the DocumentNodeStore might make incompatible changes that the
> DocumentStore implementation doesn't know about.
> That said, I don't believe that has happened yet.
> Best regards, Julian

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